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Tikibar and Rifftrax

It’s hot and humid out, they’re calling for showers this afternoon. What lousy Memorial Day weather! There is grilling to be done!

Saturday was most spent doing errands, in the evening Michael and I decided to to check out The Tiki Bar @ Spring Mountain. It’s just on the other side of the mountain, probably a mile from our house by car but we’d never been there. It’s a popular place, and people have recommended it to me in the past. We arrived around 5:30, it wasn’t too busy (which surprised me for a Saturday night).

The staff was great, very friendly and helpful without being annoying. The way the place works is you go up to a “station” that looks like a deli case with a bunch of steaks and kabobs in it. You order and pay for your steaks and kabobs (along with bread, salad and baked potato if you want the “dinner”) and they give you the meat raw. You then bring it over to the grills and grill your kabobs yourself. It’s really fun and social. I went with a shrimp kabob and an alligator kabob – alligator?! They were good. Drinks are handled by your table server, of which he keeps a tab of and you cash out drink tab before leaving the table.

In the late evening a quick storm came through and after losing the umbrella off our table due to the wind, we went to the bar to huddle under the bit of roof. We still got a little damp, but spring storms are fun! Michael and I spent some time hanging out and had some drinks, they actually had some decent beers! Then called a couple friends who ended up coming out later in the evening. High price of drinks aside (yowch!), we had a really fun evening. I expect we’ll go back sometime.

Oh – was it authentic tiki? Hahahahaha no! They were playing Jamaican music when we arrived, and that morphed rock. It was fun anyway :)

Yesterday was a wasted day, I got nothing done :) We have been watching RiffTrax lately, and ended up watching Episode 2 and Battlefield Earth. Ah good stuff, Battlefield Earth was a tough one to get through, it was a pretty horrible movie.

And today – we’ll see how the weather cooperates! And I think I’m going to get away from my computer for a while now so I can decompress.