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Simcoe Home

Simcoe is home from the vet, we were able to pick her up in the evening after no complications from the surgery – yay! Except I seemed to have forgotten how invasive a spay is, she’s now got a big old collar on for 16 days to prevent her from tearing at her sutures. She seems to be taking it alright though, the worst part is that we’re keeping her put away in her own room so Caligula leaves her sutures alone too. Plus we need to keep her using the paper litter instead of the clay litter Caligula gets to continue using during this period. Ah cats.

Anyway, here is a picture of her highness in all her “back from vet” glory:

And far from looking for Simcoe to pull out her sutures, Caligula is pretty terrified of the new cat with the funny hat. I let her out of her room for a few minutes this morning and he ran off, I found him sitting on our table looking terrified:

Simcoe has eaten a little this morning (yay!) and Michael gave her some water before we gave her the pan medication this morning. I expect she’ll be back to her old self within a few days, with the exception of still needing that surgery wound to heal and so requiring her lovely collar. I am not exactly sure how I’m going to handle this, it’s only the morning after and already she’s wanting to get out of her room…