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So, I went to the mall.. and the rest of my week

I should have gone to the Bear Creek Beer Festival on Sunday, Michael crashed in bed for most of the day after coming home from Starscape but I could have caught a ride! Our friends who went said they had a great time and told us stories of the fantastic beers brought from Crabby Larry’s (a place that got a new brewer, who happens to be a guy from our local homebrew shop and a great brewer) and other breweries. Next year I’m SO THERE!

The peche lambic I mentioned enjoying Saturday night was the St Louis Premium Peche made by Brouwerij Van Honsebrouck in Ingelmunster, Belgium. It’s no Lindemans, but it’ll do when I’m craving a peach lambic and there is no Lindemans to be found.

So I didn’t go to the beerfest and I found myself saturated with boredom on Sunday afternoon. After the installfest and other computer work for days I was not too keen on the idea of another afternoon inside with my cats and computers. Plus it was a bit warm and if I stayed home I’d have to really hide in my office in the air conditioning. I ended up heading down to King of Prussia and doing some much needed shopping. I’ve had a few giftcards in my wallet for nearly a year because of how infrequently I go to the mall. I was able to pick up some clothes, finally grabbed Brain Age for my DS (yay!), got the watch band on a watch my mother gave me a few years ago replaced, and a few other things. It was a productive day, and not as horrible as shopping usually is.

Monday evening we decided to head out to Sly Fox – mostly because all we had to eat in the house was pasta. It was shaping up to be just another night at the Sly Fox when our friendly waiter accidentally spilled a whole glass of soda on Michael’s lap right after delivering our food. Eeek! It pretty much ruined the evening, Michael was so soaked that he needed to leave immediately to get home and change. They packed up our dinner and the manager wrote off the tab (w00t – free dinner! And free beer!). Tuesday evening we had a much better dinner down at the sushi place in Collegeville, our second visit and still superb.

This week is flying by, I went out to get the mail yesterday afternoon and realized that it was Thursday already (how did that happen? eek!). We had my former co-worker Jane over for dinner Wednesday night and to introduce her to the cats. She offered a while back to watch them when we go on vacation, and although we’re only leaving for 3 days we figured since it’s so soon since Simcoe’s surgery that we should have someone come check on them. So we worked it out for Simcoe to get her sutures out Thursday afternoon, and we’ll be leaving home about 4 hours after that to head to Artemis, PA. Jane will stop by on Saturday to feed and check on them.

Simcoe is doing better. She’s been pretty sluggish for the past week, and that did concern me, some of what I read said that they’re usually up and running around like nothing happened within a few days. But I looked into it a bit more and it is generally stated that it can take over a week for a female to get back close to normal and longer for full recovery. I was also worried about the incision site, I noticed it was swollen and the swelling was actually firm when I touched it! Then I found this:

“Later in the recovery period, it is not unusual to notice swelling at the incision site. Cats often react this way to internal sutures and this kind of swelling is common and resolves spontaneously. Such swellings are firm and there is no fluid drainage or bleeding from the incision. They generally resolve in 3-4 weeks.”Feline Spay FAQ, VeterinaryPartner.com

Phew! There hasn’t been any problem with the incision itself, so she should be fine. In fact, after I got finished doing all this worrying after work Wednesday night she reacted all evening by deciding to be quite active, we had to put her back in her room for the night because we were slightly worried she’d be too active and run around the house like a crazy animal :) I’m glad to see her on the mend.

Thursday evening we went to the Malvern Sweat Lodge. I hadn’t been there in far too long. It was a good evening.