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Busy day yesterday.

I got up early and after some conversations had Desktop Debian on my mind, so I wrote about it: O’Reilly Linux DevCenter Blog: Desktop Debian Etch (and Ubuntu). Which reminds me, I need to drop a note to them to get my name changed…

Yesterday morning our PA Ubuntu LoCo Team was made an “Approved” team by the Community Council. Luckily a bunch of people were able to show up, so my input wasn’t really needed aside from me saying “I’m here for PA” (I was working, and didn’t want to take too much of a break for the approval meeting if I didn’t have to). This is exciting news, approved teams are recognized as Official Ubuntu Projects and are thus entitled to some nice benefits (including Ubuntu “stuff” and official CDs, woo!). It’s exciting for the team, we’ve been working hard and planning lots more events for the near future.

Joe Terranova was approved as an Ubuntu Member during the meeting as well – go Joe! He’s helped tons with the PA team (even though he lives in New Jersey). They had to cut the meeting short before another woman I joined the meeting to cheer was approved though. The membership approval requests are increasing quite a bit, enough so that the CC meeting is regularly running over 2 hours and still not getting everything accomplished, I expect a new process will be developed soon.