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WCOJ Radio Show

A couple weeks ago Alex Launi contacted WCOJ in West Chester about the possibility of a couple people from our Ubuntu LoCo team appearing on their weekly computer show, Computer Corner with Gene Mitchell and Joe Hubler (yikes, it’s just not right for a computer show to have such a horrible geocities site!). It’s not a show that deals with Linux much (at all?) so the introduction of Ubuntu is a new thing for them, they graciously agreed to have us come on the show – for a whole hour! And it’s a call-in show.

It went without saying that Alex would be one of the people from the team, but who else? Me, apparently. They wanted to send a woman (it’s nice to have a female voice hailing the praises of Linux for once) and according to my LoCo teammates I’m “extremely knowledgeable,” which is true (if I do say so myself), there are only a couple of people in the team who have been using Linux longer than I. I initially backed down from the offer, I am still trying to shake off the shyness thing and going on a radio show that has hundreds (or more?) listeners is a bit scary, but they convinced me. I need to keep working to get over the shyness thing and taking up opportunities like this is important. Plus I need to do it for my fellow women! The more opportunities like this I take advantage of to be a woman out there speaking out in the Linux Community. We’ll break those stereotypes about Linux users down eventually!

The radio show is this upcoming Saturday the 14th at 8AM (which means a very early morning for me!). They post podcasts of the show but they haven’t posted one since April so I’m not going to guarantee any recording for quite some time. Should be interesting, I hope my nervous voice isn’t too obvious.


  • martin

    good luck and have fun on the show.

    I was on a radio show twice while still in school. It was not live, but at least one was produced in one go and both times it was a nice experiance.
    And in the music breaks you should have enough time to get feedback from the host so it’s easy to adjust to it.

  • Maxo

    Congratulations! I was on the radio once and I sure was nervous. I used the nervous energy to be loud and fast (which was good because I was doing the weather.) I have no advice for preparing though except to have a great time.