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Calling Vegetarians!

After some major problems with headaches this spring Michael went in for some blood work. It all came back fine except for one thing – his cholesterol. What?! We didn’t eat the greatest over this past winter (both of us put on a few pounds), but we still didn’t eat fast food aside from pizza and were in general more healthy than typical Americans are. And he doesn’t have a family history of high cholesterol. It’s all quite puzzling.

As puzzling as it is, we need to do something about it. We’ve cut red meat out of our diet and eliminated a lot of cheese. More fish has been added as well as a lot of healthy snacks. We’re now looking to expand our dinner menu but the cookbooks we have just aren’t cutting it, and neither is the google (so much pan fried, quick-and-easy, and full of cheese recipes out there!).

We’re primarily looking for healthy vegetarian dishes. So I’m asking for suggestions: cookbook suggestions, meals/recipes you love, websites you find particularly helpful, other comments? TIA!


  • Alan

    Frijoles y tortillas. Lentil soup. Falafels (anything with garbanzos).

    I’ve been vegetarian for a bunch of years now and have traveled quite a bit. (europe & latin america) Everyplace I go, there are traditional dishes based on beans/lentils, etc. Dishes like these are delicious, satisfying, nutritious.

  • pleia2

    Thanks Alan! I’ll have to add beans to my list. I have to be careful not to overdo it (husband with the less than tough stomach), but it’s good from time to time.