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House to myself weekend

Michael left Thursday evening for the dance retreat where he’s supporting a Sun-Moon dancer at the Birdsong Peace Chamber through Monday. Amazingly, this will be only the second time we’ve been apart for more than a couple days since I moved in 5 1/2 years ago, the first time being when I skipped up to New England for a few days to visit my father when he was in rehab. We could use another good dose of missing each other ;)

I pretty much have plans every day that I’ve been able to work into my on-call schedule. Last night I went over to Nita’s house and enjoyed Hard Candy on her big new TV. Wow, what a movie. Don’t read anything about it, not even the back of the DVD, just watch it, I’m very glad I was completely clueless about it.

This morning I met up with Alex in West Chester at the WCOJ station. I was a bit nervous before the show, but once the show got going I was OK. It’s much easier to talk to an audience you can’t see, it felt more like we were having a discussion with just the hosts. The hour flew by. Our team member, Jim listened to the show and said we “sounded like radio professionals” – but I think he was just trying to be nice. I confirmed with the host that the podcast will be online within a few days, and I’ll be sure to post the link all over the internet when I have it, I’m excited to hear it. In all I’d say the broadcast went very well, our hosts were excited about playing around with Ubuntu more and invited us back!

The rest of the day today has been spent catching up with journals and email. This evening will be spent on projects!

Tomorrow afternoon Joe and are coming over over for some pizza and hacking. Should be fun :)

I’m also trying to train Simcoe not to destroy the toilet paper. We’ve removed the extra paper from the bathroom and will probably get some sort of closed container, but she still attacks the paper on the roll. I don’t want to have to keep the bathroom door closed for the rest of her life to get around this problem. Last night I used a trick I found online of putting some coins in a little container and setting it on top of the toilet paper, idea being that when she tackles the paper the coins will fall on her and scare her off. When I came home from Nita’s last night the coins were all over the bathroom floor. Today she hasn’t touched the paper. It’s too early to claim success, so we’ll see how to goes.