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Last weekend

I’ve been so busy, and now I’m squeezing in a few moments before heading back to the Folk Fest to write this!

The Ubuntu BBQ wasn’t the only thing I was doing last weekend – quite the contrary, which is part of why I’m so busy :)

Saturday morning we packed up the truck with old computers and monitors we’ve needed to get rid of and took them to the nearby middle school which was holding their yearly electronics and hazardous waste recycling pickup. It was great, I drove my truck up, opened all the doors, and a bunch of volunteers hauled the equipment out in about 2 minutes, then I drove off to the BBQ.

I came home from the BBQ, sunburned (oops) and tired, and spent a couple hours getting the house ready for guests. Michael had spent the day working outside handling, among other things, a funny smell outside which turned out to be a dead groundhog in our neighbor’s compost pile – ick. and a disposing of a yellow-jacket nest in our back yard – double ick.

Our friends Kati and Kenny came over late Saturday evening and we spent the night chilling out by the fire out back and enjoying a couple of beers. Michael also made us all a fish dinner around 11:30 pm – yum!

Sunday we all got up, enjoyed some French toast I made with fresh bread Michael made the night before. Due to Michael’s recent cholesterol results I ended up making them with Egg Beaters, which actually turned out to be a great alternative to eggs when making French toast at least. After breakfast we all piled into the truck and headed out to Marsh Creek for a day of kayaking! We had a blast, as I expected, and this time I was smart enough to wear suntan lotion – so no more burns!

After kayaking (and the late night previously) we were all pretty exhausted. Kati and Kenny ended up heading back home and after I took a 45 minute nap Michael and I headed down to the Malvern Sweat Lodge for their New Moon sweat. Unfortunately the sunburn I earned on Saturday at the picnic did not mix well with a sweat lodge (hot steam on sunburn – ack!) and I only made it through one round, but it turned out to be a lovely evening of fellowship in spite of that.

Finally, the bad thing and good thing that came in my paper mailbox last week. The bad was the latest issue of Linux Journal, they ran the QSOL ad again. Apparently not enough people complained, and that apology from Doc over at LJ? I don’t want to think badly of him as people speak so highly of him, but it’s unfortunate that he apologized and then they went ahead and ran it again. The good thing? Well it was so good that the QSOL thing didn’t ruin my day! Remember the Brew at the Zoo festival I went to last month? It was put together by the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation, a non-profit. It turns out that $15 of each $35 ticket ordered online prior to the event is tax-deductible as a donation to a non-profit! Awesome, tax-deductible beer drinking.

Now, back to the Folk Fest for me!