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Elephant Lady

Yesterday was a total waste, spent until 4PM in bed with an upset stomach. I think it was something in the food at Crabby Larry’s that didn’t agree with me. My stomach is way too sensitive, this is the second time this summer I’ve gotten sick after eating food that was perfectly fine for everyone else at the table. So I don’t want it to make it sound like I’m saying that Crabby Larry’s is horrible and dirty, I’m sure they’re fine, I don’t eat Chinese food because of my stomach and normal people don’t have trouble with it.

We went to Crabby Larry’s on Thursday night and met up with Bob (who works just down the street) because I was in the mood for a beer and we wanted to check them out ever since a brewfest that we missed left people raving about some of their new brews. Dinner was far too filling, not helped by the fact that I ordered a cup of soup and the entree came with a salad, I ended up taking half my entree home with me. The IPA was pretty standard issue, hoppy and nice. The treat of the evening was their “Lambic Raspberry Wheat” which was nice and bitter, but had that oh so nice raspberry flavor, according to their site this was one of the hits last year of the brewfest we missed. The other beers that we tried were nothing to write home about, so I won’t.

Friday night we called up David and Constance and headed down to Ortino’s Northside to meet them for dinner. While we were waiting for them we sat down at the bar for a few minutes. That’s when one of the regular bartenders lamented that we didn’t have any Belgians on tap, since she knew I liked Belgians, and said that I’m the “Elephant Lady” … I’m the ELEPHANT LADY?! Of course I instantly knew she was referring to my love for Delirium Tremens, which has a pink elephant as a mascot, but gosh, she could have phrased it better. I suppose since she didn’t even consider it an offense that I can take that as a compliment, clearly someone who looks like I do couldn’t ever think she meant anything other than the beer reference and take offense to it (except that I’m part of the 95%[0] of women in America who have image problems – elephant lady, weep!). In all seriousness though, it was funny and we had a good laugh when we told our friends.

The dinner went well until I was finishing up, that’s when my stomach started protesting and I couldn’t finish my delicious meal. Even worse, I couldn’t finish my second Double Simcoe IPA! It was only 9PM when we wrapped things up, and we were invited to follow our friends back to their house and check out the work they’ve done on their house lately, so we spent the evening back at their place, Michael had a few more beers but I stuck to water as my stomachache got progressively worse. There was much good discussion about religion following Michael’s invitation to David for a sweat lodge next week. Unfortunately I was feeling so lousy that around 2AM I made Michael take me home, bringing the discussions to an abrupt end.

That brings us to my useless sick day on Saturday. Around 4:30 on Saturday Michael made some pasta and his amazing homemade pesto, which my stomach was feeling OK enough to handle. After dinner I went upstairs in the A/C to spend the evening watching movies. Michael ended up heading out to attend a 6 mile moonlit hike at Valley Forge that we’d been planning on doing together, I was really looking forward to going with him, but decided that staying home and resting was the smart thing to do. We did learn that Valley Forge grounds are open until 10PM though, so Michael and I can take a moonlit hike ourselves some evening, hooray!

I’m feeling much better this morning, good thing too since I’m meeting up with a friend for lunch. Need to shower now and give her a call soon.

[0] I made up this statistic