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The week

Michael now has a date for his hip surgery: December 10th

I got a 21″ monitor! They were getting rid of them at Michael’s office. It’s still a CRT, but it’s got less wear and tear on it than my 19″ – no more having to use a monitor that sometimes makes weird noises and has to have the brightness turned all the way up.

I got a jury summons. The timing on this was pretty horrible, the whole tooth thing had me stressed out already, now this? Arrgg…

Michael got an iPhone. His boss has had one for a while and is moving forward with buying them for the staff, Michael got his a bit early after an unfortunate accident with his Razr.

We went out for sushi last night, very good.

I got my share of the Ubuntu Aluminium Case Badges. Very spiffy.

I went to a Philadelphia Area Network Technologies User Group (PANTUG) meeting this week. There wasn’t a presenter so it was all pretty informal, I got a whole history lesson on the group. It’s primarily Windows folks, and I don’t hang out with Windows people that often, so that was interesting. I got to have the classic Windows admin vs Linux admin exchange of “Why would you bother with a command line when there was a GUI that can do it for you?” “Why would you mess around with clicking through a GUI when you could just type a command?” And I got to ask about Vista, which wound them up into a storm of how horrible it was. The second half of the meeting was moved to a local restaurant, where I ended up sitting with the two people I knew (who are linux guys) and had a nice time chatting with them. My visit to this group was primarily for networking purposes, I’m trying to get a feel for the local technology groups so I have an In for spreading news and resources.

I think that’s it. It was a busy week and I’m tired. We don’t have any plans for the weekend so far aside from errands and little things. I have to do some serious housecleaning of my office – it looks nice to the untrained eye, but my computer needs to be opened up and dusted out, and my desk drawers are turning into an unmanageable mess…