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Trip, teeth, UOW and parties

The weekend of the 20th Michael and I headed to West Virgina for our anniversary. It was a pretty mellow weekend, got to take a hike on Sunday, eat lots of amazing food and after finding Raiders of the Lost Ark in the video collection we took advantage of the free satellite broadband connection and snagged the rifftrax for it. The weather was beautiful for the weekend and we took a bunch of pictures, which I’ll get around to sorting and posting soon.

Last week I finally scheduled the date to get my wisdom teeth removed – November 9th. Earlier probably would be better, as I ended up with a pretty terrible headache Friday morning which caused me to hit the Vicodin the surgeon gave me specifically for when the pain prior to surgery got too bad. Yikes, that’s some drug, I took it in the morning and still wasn’t quite right when I went to the gym that afternoon (and come to think of it, I probably shouldn’t have gone to the gym…). Alas, they didn’t have any openings at the surgeon until the 9th, so another few days of waiting for me, at least the pain isn’t too bad every day, but it is enough to be annoying. I went to get a cleaning at the dentist today – teeth are all squeaky clean now!

Saturday I did a presentation on Ubuntu Women for Ubuntu Open Week. It was cool being asked to do a session and I think it went quite well, log here.

Saturday evening I met up with Nita, her sister and her sister’s husband to head down to a Halloween party down in Philadelphia. I had a nice time, but my aggressive shyness showed up and I wasn’t terrible social. Arg, I thought I was doing better! Toward the end of the night I got tired too, and since I had a lot on my mind I got a bit mopey. We left the party around 2AM, so it was after 3 before I arrived home.

Sunday I got some work done (making up time for that headache that ruined my Friday!) and then headed out do run some errands and do some shopping. When I got home I got ready for the Ubuntu Gutsy Gibbon Release / Halloween Party. In spite of the fear of sounding like a total nerd, I ended up having a blast, sitting at the rowdy end of the table with Matthew Rosewarne and Brian Stempin who I know from PLUG (Haha! Now you both have Google juice saying you were rowdy at an Ubuntu release party!). Too bad we were sworn to secrecy about the topic of conversation, some fun stories were shared. Jim’s wife took a bunch of pictures. I’m the one dressed as a witch (and someone-who-shall-not-be-named asked if I was dressed up as one of the founders of the Ubuntu Women project, to which I replied “Yes, and I have come to take all the fun out of Ubuntu!” See, we have a sense of humor!). We ended up staying quite late, they closed the dining room and were nudging us to the bar when we finally wandered out shortly before 11PM.

Tomorrow night we’re headed to the Keswick Theater to see Sinead O’Conner, hopefully will have time to hook up with our friends David and Kathy for dinner who also snagged a pair of tickets for the show.

Now I should head to bed so I get enough sleep!

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