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This entry brought to you by Oxycodone!

I got the wisdom teeth out yesterday morning. I’m happy to report that my first experience with general anesthesia was not a bad one, everything went smoothly. The only unfortunate hiccup that happened was misreading of my x-rays. Apparently when my dentist sent them over the sticker was on the wrong side, leading the surgeon to believe the bottom tooth that needed to be taken out was on the right side of my mouth. Not so! He went digging on that side of the mouth and didn’t find it and had to go to the left side. So only 3 teeth out, but 4 stitched up wounds. I go back next week to get the stitches removed.

Recovery yesterday wasn’t so bad, I was pretty woozy the whole day but fairly confident I’d be perfectly fine until around 6PM when I guess the local anesthesia started wearing off and it felt like someone kicked me in the face. Ouch. Michael took care of me yesterday, encouraging me to drink a lot of water and in the evening he made me the most delicious chocolate and banana milk shake. The Oxycodone isn’t as useful as I had hoped, I slept badly because of the pain and as they warned me I woke up several times with the sockets pussing and drool on my pillow (which I covered as they suggested since that’s normal). Yuck. So I didn’t much sleep last night, and I’m still in a lot of pain. This morning isn’t terribly fun so far, I’ll be going back to bed or to zone out in front of the TV once the Oxycodone kicks in again.

Pain aside, I’m very happy this is over – no more wisdom-tooth induced toothaches and headaches!