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I haven’t been writing much these past few months.

The truth is I’ve been going through a very rough time lately. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I don’t like posting when I’m depressed because my posts end up filled with negativity. In this case it’s that coupled with the problems I’m going through not being things I want to share with everyone on the internet who happens to read my site.

So over the next few months the public posts I make will be less about my life specifics as I try to sort out what I’m doing with it. I need to ramble about this in my head and in private journals some before talking about where I come out with it all.

Wish me luck, and here’s hoping 2008 will be significantly better than 2007.

One Comment

  • romana

    Thinking of you mate. Depression is a dark road to journey. 2007 was a huge year, yes. 2008 has been much looked forward to here!

    Anyway, I am here if you ever want a friendly, far away voice. Hugs, r:)