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“Ok, cool. Wait, what?” – My crash course in PGP/GPG

I had a gpg key last year. Myk made it for me and said “here is a gpg key” … at the time (Aprilish 2002) I was so preoccupied with other things that I just put it into the “I’ll learn it later” pile. Of course that’s obviously a bad idea. In that time we moved our mailservers and guess where my private key was? Yes indeed, it’s gone now, and it’s been signed by a number of people in PLUG. Luckily it expired. From what I’ve been told that means I don’t need to worry about it anymore, good. So now I decided I will get back to learning about GPG.

I basically knew nothing about it. When Myk helped me out last year with GPG commands I retained nothing, and I was uing pine (i use mutt now, and gpg stuff in there is different). So I headed over to gnupg.org waded through the how-to’s … and then when I thought I had a basic grasp on some of it, I wandered into #13thHour to pick the brains of my friends. This is the log I would break it down and chop it up to get only the relavent statements, but 1. I don’t have the time today 2. I don’t think enough people reading would be interested enough if i did for it to be worth it. Maybe I’ll add a section to my website sometime about exactly how to do gpg stuff. Anyway, it was a very informative afternoon. From what I learned from reading the gpg site, and from questions I asked in IRC I have a much clearer picture of what I’m doing. I might even be brave enough to create a key tomorrow, hehe.

What prompted this renewed interest in GPG was the suggestion of one of the Philly Chix of having a keysigning at last night’s meeting. It’s a good idea, and as one of the organizers I think it would be important for me to participate. Besides, I had interest in it anyway, this just gave me the push I needed %)

Kristin, Lyz and Sam
(from left) Kristin, Lyz, Samantha

It was a nice meeting, we had 3 people instead of 2, yay! Another woman who keeps saying she’ll come wasn’t able to make it because she had just returned from vacation. So I’m hopeful our next meeting will have more. We just need one more active member to be concidered a real users group by O’Reilly (http://ug.oreilly.com/), so hopefully we can gain a recruit from somewhere.. maybe my friend Nita can be convinced to actually join the group… The laptop in that picture is merely a prop %) Myk was using it while we were having the meeting, and just gave it to me when he took the picture, hehe. It was nice getting to talk for a while, I already knew kristin, so it was a pretty friendly meeting.

We got to the meeting on the train, just because we werent in the mood to fight traffic. Of course I am horrible about trains, I don’t understand them at all %) It really is confusing, online the schedules say one thing, and in reality they do different things and the lines confuse me and I always ask “this one is going to _____ right? The train guys are really nice and always helpful. I would have gone alone, but I was very scared about going into center city on a train alone. Myk said he’d come with me each time if I want him too, I guess it wasn’t *too* bad, so I might be brave enough to go alone next time ;) The ride in wasnt bad, we took the 7 pm train out of Glenside, got into the city around 7:40, and the walk to the store was about 15 minutes, so I got there just before 8, yay! Unfortunately the trip back wasnt as simple and well planned. We thought we’d have to take the R1, but really to go back to Glenside that late from that station we had to take the R2, which got there soon after we did, and we didnt take it. Ended up taking another train to the next station to catch the R5 so that we wouldnt have to wait another 30 minutes for the next R2 *arg* We got back to Glenside a little after 11:30, so we got home
around midnight. It was a long night, especially since the meeting actually ended at 9 pm, and I was exhausted.

Well I have about an hour before I need to make dinner. I’m probably going to go dig around some more gpg stuff and get some notes together so I have a quick reference to how to do everything. *wanders off*