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Heh.. some people..!

o/` Stabbing Westward – I Remember o/`

I just looked at the top 10 movies on Yahoo! out of those 10 only one got an A-range score by critics, Finding Nemo. Yes, after 9 weeks it is still on the top ten (#8) and probably the best movie in the theater right now. What a horrible movie season! While I do agree that Disney and Pixar make amazing movies together, I would have to say that Finding Nemo is at the bottom of that list as far as how good it was. Crazy.

A girl I know came to me recently with an interesting group of questions. She was talking about her relationship with her boyfriend, and although she didn’t get into details she was asking me a little about sex. Now at this point of the conversation I told her I was uncomfortable discussing any sort of details on that subject in my own life. I made this clear because usually in discussions with people I find it helpful to offer “I know how that feels because I…” examples. Her response was quite unexpected. She accused me of being “prude” and said she was offended because she was willing to tell me these things and I “Obviously didnt trust her enough” to tell her about such things. She refused to believe me when I told her that I don’t discuss such things with any of my friends (the exception being Myk, of course), and said “no one is like that anymore” … and made a comment that meant “It’s socially acceptable to be open about your sexuality, so we should be.” Of course I was deeply offended. I was trying to help this girl out and she starts attacking me because I don’t feel comfortable sharing more about my sexuality than “I’m a heterosexual monogamous female.” It was really unfair, and definately put a great strain on our friendship.

In other wonderful social news, I’m part of a group that relys on trust a great deal to exist and that trust has recently been broken. Most online things are like this. You have to trust that the people you are communicating with are telling the truth, all you usually have is “their word” that what they are saying is the truth. Often times when people are lying they are eventually caught, sometimes not, and sometimes they just come out and admit it on their own. In this case the person eventually came forward and admitted that he had been lying. Where does this leave the group? He betrayed our trust to become deeply involved in the community, and lied time and time again! We all now feel insecure because of his actions, and honestly it’s all a bit creepy. There is really no excuse for that sort of behavior, and I don’t think I could forgive him.

It really annoys me when people lie, there are few things I hate more. I want to make friends, I want to be emotionally close to them, but each time someone else betrays that trust I give it makes it harder for me to give it again, and that’s unfair to the good honest people out there. I don’t care about your age, gender, race, sexual preference, taste in music, finances, or if your clothes match. I promise not to make judgements about any of these things, just *DON’T* lie to me. One lie can turn into many. One lie will make me question everything you ever say. One lie will make me find it difficult to get close to you, ever. I wish more people would understand this.

Sometimes people really upset me, at least it’s a beautiful day out %)

Well I’m going to go work on some things. *wanders off*