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UFOs, plugger, meatless meat and free shell accounts…

o/` BOA – Little Miss o/`

I was contacted by the owner of ufology.org.uk today. It’s a UK “ufo” site that has about 400 members on the mailing list, they talk about all sorts of paranormal UFOish things including personal experiences, articles, studies, etc. He wanted to ask me if he could put my extraterrestrials: an essay on the site (a link to it really). Cool! It’s nice that people are visiting my site, obviously all parts of my site. And I’m also glad that my website is on the T3 now, I’d hate to have another nightmare like the night that a link to the Philly Chix was posted to the PLUG list. Speaking of which, have I mentioned that there is an amazing difference in my connection now that the webpages are off of it? Gah… they really were quite bandwidth intensive, it was almost a continuous stream of substantial upload because of them.

While I was up in Maine a couple months ago my sister gave me some cds of clipart that she had kept for me. It’s 9 cds, from 1996, that we bought at some discount store back then. I wanted it because I could use a lot of it for website stuff (royalty free). The only problem is that all I had when I went up to Maine was one big suitcase, and after getting the laptop in there (which added a considerable amount of weight to my bag) I wasn’t able to fit all the reference books for the cds. The books are printed out versions of all 101,000 images, this is supplied because all the images have numbers like EAA0800T.TIF. Well I asked her to mail the books to me and she hasn’t, I’m not surprised, but I wanted to look through some of them yesterday so I opened up Opera. Opera doesnt view .tif files… ugh. So I started looking around for something that would. Gimp does, but I wanted to just quickly browse through images, not open each one of them up. That’s when I came across Plugger. I had heard of plugger before, when I was looking into the streaming media problem I have with linux. I think I installed it once and was displeased with it and forgot about it. This time I took a better look at it. I tried to install it in opera, but opera was being it’s crankie self (it probably requires opera 7 or something) and didnt work. So I tried with trusty old mozilla. I used the “test” website that the plugger people provide, and was quite amused to see video playing in plugger. I even had a conversation with myself in #13tHHour:

14:45:21 -@PrincessLeia2- plugger is neat
14:47:25 -@PrincessLeia2- works nicely in mozilla, i think i’m just going to give up trying to install plugins in opera ’cause they suck %)
14:51:44 -@PrincessLeia2- i can see avis and mpegs and pdfs and tiffs and all sorts of things in mozilla now, this is cool
14:55:35 -@PrincessLeia2- of course most sites still check for a plugin and act like i dont have one, bummer
14:55:46 -@PrincessLeia2- s’ok, i just wanted to view tiff files…
15:01:03 -!- Ash [~Sweet@2BDBBE03.A3B44621.72F9AF26.IP] has quit [Ping timeout]
15:01:47 -@Vehicle00- yoyoyoyo
15:05:48 -@PrincessLeia2- [plugger-4.0 defunct]
15:05:49 -@PrincessLeia2- heh
15:05:56 * PrincessLeia2 hits plugger with a stick
15:06:08 -@PrincessLeia2- i havent had this many zombies since redhat %D
15:07:11 -@PrincessLeia2- they all die when i get out of mozilla.. but it’s disappointing

The [plugger-4.0 defunct] processes showed up when I tried to open most things with plugger, including the TIF files. So I have a zombied process for each one of those silly TIF files I opened, ugh. I ended up emailing my sister and asking her to get going with sending me those books, it’s just too time consuming otherwise. I think I’ll keep plugger though, I guess there are times when I can and want to view things in a browser that I previously couldn’t.

We had tacos last night. How do you
have tacos without beef? Well Myk doesnt like refried beans, which is what my family always put in them while I was growing up, so we decided to try some of the Boca “meat” … of the same company that makes the Boca Burgers. Apparently it’s mostly made of soy. It cooks up really nicely, and I only need to use about a tablespoon of olive oil. It may not taste like ground beef, but it’s a very nice flavor! And I don’t like soy. Even if beef didn’t make me sick I think I’d be interested in eating this stuff because it’s so much more healthy. You get protein but without all the greasy mess that you’d get from the ground beef. I guess I’m also a bit paranoid about ground beef because I’ve watched too many shows about how the meat is processed. No thanks.

A friend of mine is now currently taking an “Intro To *nix” class, and yesterday he came to me with some questions about vim. I helped him out with some basic commands, but I was frustrated because just “telling” someone how to use vim is not really enough, you really need to use it. I was reluctant to give him a shell account on one of my boxes, because even though I do trust him I am afraid he might accidentally get into some trouble with it. So I went searching around for some free shells. I tried one that let you run an eggdrop, but it was really annoying because each time I hit “backspace” it would output a strange character, I never did take the time to figure out how you are really suppoed to backspace in it, deleted the account when I realized they had aliased vim to pico.. AH! Then I tried http://m-net.arbornet.org/. Like the first one you telnet in, create and account, then you’re able to ssh into it. So I set up an account, logged in, and it’s not so bad. Very very basic, but he’ll be able to create folders and files, edit things with vim. I set up his .profile file so he has a pretty bash prompt, set up his .vimrc so he has all the coolness of syntax highlighting. I didn’t look around too extensively, but it seems you can have mail there too, mutt is installed and there is a .procmailrc file… but they only give you 1 mb of space, so it can’t be used for much more than just learning how to use it. The only bad thing about it is that they only allow one session to access the account at once, which is a bit annoying, and was funny to figure out the first time… we were both logged in and then it disconnected both of us, hehe. I had him download putty and he seems to like it I think it’ll be a nice learning tool, and I’m definately going to use this site in the future, the next time I want to show someone what a shell account is and help them out with some basic things.

Well I’m going to go wander over to my laptop and figure out why Window Maker has been so crankie lately… sometimes I’ll be in a terminal and it’ll just close. There are all sorts of errors when I quit x after this happens, so I need to make it act up again and ask Dr. Google for some solutions, hehe. *wanders off*