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I love friday.

o/` Peter Gabriel – Before Night Falls o/`

I didn’t really have plans today. Cleaned the apartment like I do every friday til about noon. Ended up talking with another op in #WheelOfTime for a bit, and we decided that it might be cool to expand the channel’s interests to other fantasy books. I haven’t talked to the actual channel founder yet since he’s never around, but I’m sure he’ll be pleased that we’re trying to recruit more users to the channel, even if we have to broaden the scope of what it’s about. So I did some work putting together a website today. I’ve been going through clipart and we decided to make the webpage sorta be like a typical hotel in fantasy novels. You know, a common room/tavern, rooms upstairs, small sitting room/library, a basement. Each section will be for different parts of the webpage. It’s coming together nicely %)

It rained this afternoon, big thunderstorm. It was fun, even had the UPSs beep a couple times.

Thanks to everyone that replied to the last entry. I was really upset when I got that email from my sister, both angry and sad, and this whole situation has really been hard for me to deal with. I talked to Myk about it for a little while last night, and he pretty much said the same thing most everyone else has said “you did the right thing, and it’s your sister who needs to get herself out of that situation” … exactly. Everyone in the family has already told Heather that she is not obligated to take care of my father, it’s all up to her now.

Yeah I guess that’s about it. *wanders off*