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I got new pens… and other stuff I did yesterday

o/` Soul Coughing – Screenwriter’s Blues o/`

I wonder what I did before I kept a journal. Where did I pour all these thoughts, ideas, and stuff? I probably bugged my friends directly with these things until they were bored to sleep. At least this way they can *choose* what to read, hehe.

Uniball Fusion Pens
I got new pens! I guess some people might find it strange that I still depend on paper and pens so much, but until I have a working organization system on my computer it will be very difficult for me to do otherwise. It’s much easier to just write something down on paper and shove it into my drawer, looking through physical paper is easier than looking through 500 text documents for something I named some silly name. And I guess I still learn better when I actually write things out. Oh and I really do enjoy writing things on paper, especially with cool pens. The other day I was looking in my drawer and pulled out a few of my pens. To my dismay nearly all of them were out of ink! So I went looking through some of my boxes for some pens, no luck. Yesterday we just decided to head to Staples and pick up some. I decided on the uni-ball fusion pens. Blue, Black, Pink, Purple. They are really nice %) And neat, the ink looks clear, but when you write with it it turns the right color. Ah technology, the great minds of the world working to create neat pens.

Yesterday’s dinner/lunch at Unos was nice. Decided against getting beer just because it was so hot out and I guess I really wasn’t in the mood. I was hungry though, ordered a salad, then an individual cheese and tomato deep dish pizza with green peppers, ate about 3/4ths of it, then went ahead and ordered a dessert… brownie bowl! This might not seem a lot to some people, but I don’t usually order 3 courses, usually it’s an appetizer OR a dessert. Well I guess needless to say I wasn’t hungry again all day, and I went to bed at 2 am.

I love having a laptop. I can’t really focus on “work” if I’m working in the same room as Myk, and neither can he, so it’s really nice to be able to be in different parts of the apartment. Last night I got to spend a bit of time replying to mailing lists, played a bit of trivia in #StarWars with some friends. It was fun %D I decided to go head to bed around 1:30, snuggled in bed, and Cargo followed and slept near my feet, I channel surfed until I was sleepy enough to fall asleep. It was a good day.

Today we’re thinking of going up to a park and taking a walk. There is a 40% chance of rain, hopefully it won’t %)

I did a google search for my name recently. It was after a thread on a mailing list I read that was about someone googling for a woman’s name before a date, and whether that was cool or not. Well I certainly wouldn’t have a problem with it. After saying this, I realized I hadn’t searched for “Elizabeth Krumbach” in a while. The first hit was My Linuxchix.org Profile. Cool. The second hit was my resume posted on PrincessLeia.com. AH! I hadn’t linked the resume directly to my website because I was still unsure if I wanted people to be able to access it and my information (address, phone number). Well google found the page and decided for me. I guess I should link it now *shrugs*

Well I’m going to go make some coffee and eggs and wake up Myk so we can get headed out to the park *wanders off*