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#deep13 … and the rest of my day

I am increasingly finding myself displeased with a channel I chat in, #deep13. I by no means wish to put the channel down, or discourage people from chatting there by this post, but it’s causing me trouble and I need to vent about it.

I had dropped by the channel several times in the past, I knew about them from when they were on the scifi server “way back when,” was friends with one of their ops, Locdog. I joined the channel “for good” (24/7 attendance) a little over a year ago, sometime in the end of july/early august… I can’t be precise because I don’t keep logs there. I hung out with Locdog a lot, Ocean-Saurian was always nice to me, but I couldn’t help feeling like I wasn’t welcome. I hung on, and through my similar background with the channel (from “old scifi”) I met some cool people and had fun. In September or so the channel decided to move to their own server, and I talked Myk into linking his mostly empty irc server, Clockbot, to the small server that #deep13 had, and moved our channel, #13thHour there. Since then I’ve chatted a lot in #deep13, been high in the ircstats, and it was mostly fun. I won’t go into specifics of the problems I’ve been having, because that would be unfair to #deep13 (the last thing I need is to be kicked out because of a journal entry), but after all the time I’ve spent chatting there and working to make new users feel welcome, *I* am beginning to feel uncomfortable, ignored, and unwelcome there again.

I don’t what I’ll do. Maybe it’s just another phase of the channel and it’ll pass. It won’t really hurt me to stay there and idle for a while to see if things change. It’s just frustrating. I’m certainly not *against* a channel changing and evolving, I’m just realizing that I don’t often feel comfortable there anymore.

Stupid dumb IRC. Maybe I should just drop that channel all together and be done with it, my time might be better spent in #13thHour anyway, it’s been growing a lot lately, 18 actual individual users right now (and a few bots and duplicate users from other machines).

Ah today. Woke up earlyish, what did I do this morning? Chatted some I guess… did the email thing for a bit. I dunno, just wasted time. Finished reading Great Expectations again. I love that book, maybe because it’s so depressing, hah. I spend some time going through a bash scripting tutorial. It’s really something I need to learn how to do better, I’m using this guide and it’s very very good %) I have learned a lot just by skimming over a few sections of it.

Tonight we had that boca pizza. Ok, that pizza rocked! I am so pleasantly surprised! The pepperoni was almost like real pepperoni (oh how I’ve missed pepperoni!). And it’s actually much better than any other frozen pizza I’ve tried (including digiorno). I love pizza %) very happy that this was a pleasant boca experience.

Well I am going to head off to do a couple things before I go to bed. I didn’t sleep long enough last night, I want to catch up tonight. *wanders off*