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The US Postal Service thinks that Opera 5.0 is better than 6.03

o/` Depeche Mode – Enjoy The Silence o/`

‘LovSan’ Worm Crawls Into Philly’s City Hall – Many Workers Sent Home After Virus Infects Computers

*chuckles* Nothing like a worm like this to show how little most people know about computers.

Well, thanks to escapenguin I now know that the -sh option in wterm (shaded transparency) actually works. Previously I thought it was completely broken because when I used it I used it with -bg black it doesn’t work. Well apparently if you try other colors, like -bg blue or -bg magenta it works. Oh you know what I chose %) Magenta YAY! Actually the rose on my desktop (in this screenshot) is now fluorescent pink. I’ll be sure to make a pretty showing off desktop in the near future that includes it, hee.

I slept a little better last night, but not much. Then I woke up this morning feeling terrible, bad stomach ache, it’s stayed with me all day making me miserable. I am not having a good week. And I really am not feeling up to taking the train into center city to go to the chix meeting tonight %(

When Myk got home yesterday and saw I was horribly exausted again he asked “Do you think it’s the coffee?” Oh dear… The past 2 nights I hadn’t slept, and those were also days I had coffee. Damn. I never realized how much caffeine influences me these days, a cup of coffee at 10 am can make me unable to sleep at 12 am. Bleh!

I have spoken to 3 friends in the past couple days who are having relationship troubles. It’s really hard to watch. One friend decided to date a close friend of his who had a rocky past, well her past caught up with her emotionally and she broke up with him because she got scared. Another seems to have gotten involved with someone and didn’t realize that he’d need to outline the boundries of the relationship and now she’s seeing another guy as well, he is now just laughing it off, doesn’t want a relationship with her anymore… but it’s pretty obvious that he’s really hurt by it. And my other close friend was in a long serious relationship that has hit some stormy weather. This one is the one that cuts deeply, he’s a close friend and I hate to see him in such restless agony.

Well on a more amusing note, I went to usps.com today (I actually forgot why once I got there) and the following warning popped up:

Warning, you are using Opera Version /6.03 (Linux 2.4.18 i686
The recommended browsers to view this page are:
– Internet Explorer 4.0 or better
– Netscape 4.0 or better
– Mozilla 1.0.1 or better
– Opera 5.0 or better

Heehee. *wanders off*