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Meeting Cousins

Yesterday evening we met my cousin Melissa for dinner at The Drafting Room. She found it on time, even if MapQuest’s directions were less than perfect. Unfortunately it turns out she doesnt drink much anymore, doh! Finest beer place near here and she doesn’t drink. Oh well. We had a nice time, spent about 3 hours there just talking about family and stuff. It was great, I had a nice time. I do like meeting with cousins, it rarely has the stress that is often involved when dealing with older relatives, cousins are my age and grew up in the same crazy family %)

Most of the family news was good, except for the news about my cousin Brad, they still think he’ll beat this cancer, but it’s more progressed than they thought and it’s not the form they thought he had originally. Now they think the treatment might do quite a bit of long-term damage to him *sigh* still, he’ll make it and that’s really what the family is focusing on.

Didn’t do too much last night when we got home, went to bed around 1 because I knew I’d have to get up today to have lunch with another cousin.

This morning I got up a little after 9, showered, called my cousin Erica (also on my father’s side) and met her and her friend Matt around noon. We headed out to TGI Friday’s and had a nice lunch. Now Myk has met two people from my dad’s side, and I know they both liked him… they can report back to the family and say not only that he exists, but that he’s awsome ;D It was good to see Erica again, even if she did mention me coming to visit several times toward the end of lunch. Gaah, I just visited 2 months ago!

It’s good that I’m getting back into contact with family.

I am going to go read now, been reading Orson Scott Card’s Homecoming series again, I nearly forgot how much I enjoyed it the first time. I need to get to a library or get some new books soon… maybe for my birthday next month. *wanders off*