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My laptop wins.

o/` Bel Canto – Kloeberdanz o/`

Yesterday was a good day. It was beautiful out so we opened up the windows. I spent some of the afternoon reading, started the second book in Orson Scott Card’s Homecoming series. I then went on my laptop and messed around for a while, dropped into chat a bit. For dinner we had tacos, they were good but I think it was a bit too much after all the eating out we did this weekend, I probably should have made something really mellow like chicken %)

I had a lot of fun with my laptop last night. I learned about exporting X displays. I never had more than one computer that I used as a workstation, but now that I have my laptop I can try all sorts of neat things. What I can do when exporting x displays is run X programs from a remote machine on my current machine, which is very cool because my laptop is very weak and doesn’t have tons of libs on it that i’d need to install certain things. So I did the following:

(lyz@r2a6) lyz $ xhost r2d2
ssh into r2d2
(lyz@r2d2) lyz $ export DISPLAY=r2a6:0.0
(lyz@r2d2) lyz $ opera

This will open up opera on my laptop (r2a6) and it will run from r2d2. It is so cool %) And sickeningly fast, it took about 20 seconds for opera to load on the laptop, and on this it’s almost instant… plus since it’s the same opera I use on my workstation I have all my bookmarks and settings set up the way I want them. Just for fun I decided to see what gimp would do if I tried to take a screenshot. It took a screenshot of my laptop screen! YAY! (hey this was a great revelation before I understood more about what the x exporting is actually doing)

Laptop Screenshot

It’s some fun stuff. As long as I’m on the network I can now use what I need to via r2d2, w00t! Having fewer limitations on my laptop is good.

So while playing with this I thought about the sound on my laptop. I never looked into it, I didn’t even know what kind of card it was! Apparently its an old ESS sound card that uses the sb module. ROCK! All I needed to do was load the module and I’m on my way %) YAY! Myk helped me set it up so it loads on boot (I never really played around with modules on redhat). I’m so happy… not that I really have a use for sound on it, but I *can* use sound if I need to. The hardest part about this task was after the module was loaded we realized I had *no* media players. Had to go find all the proper ogg things so i could install ogg123, it was funny %)

My allergies were bugging me last night so I was feeling a bit sick, summer allergies suck, it was such a nice day! Luckily that didn’t really spoil my day any, I just crawled into bed and went to sleep (it was around 11 anyway).

Today I have a couple things I want to play around with, probably hop on my laptop a bit and take advantage of the new found love there ;) Hehe… *wanders off*