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apt-rpm and bengal cats

o/` Jack’s Lament – Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack o/`

A friend of mine asked me to help him install irssi this afternoon. What is he on? Redhat 9 *arrg* all I could think of was a few of my previous rpm experiences and I just *hoped* that irssi wouldnt require anything that wasn’t already installed. Of course it did %) He asked if all distrobutions were this evil, and I told him about debian’s apt and that redhat now had one. Other than knowing that redhat’s apt existed and that it’s repository was quite small I knew nothing else. I found this site which gives a very basic overview of what apt-rpm is (works a lot like debian’s apt, with apt-get install, apt-cache search, even a sources.list file), and I suggested that he give it a shot. He wasn’t able to install irssi from apt-rpm, but he could install the libs he needed so that his irssi rpm would install properly %) yay! Another irssi convert!

He was the perfect student too. I pointed him in the right direction and he did what needed to be done, only coming to me when there was a small problem or question he couldnt answer himself. He’s lucky he does this, I am so tired of people who come to me for help who aren’t willing to put any effort into it at all. I hate telling them that they just need to “RTFM” but it’s true, I’m not going to waste my time with someone who won’t even read a README %)

clockbot.xelium.net was decommissioned last night *tear* we have r2q5.xelium.net up and running on a new box of course, but clockbot was the original, it’s a little sad %) farewell old server!

SkorpanI made a little section of my webpage about a friend’s cat Skorpan. He lives in Sweden, and is a very pretty Bengal Cat %) I have had exposure to Bengals in the past because the guy who gave us Dweezle the chinchilla was a breeder. His cats were big (healthy looking and about 15 pounds), so I was really wowed by these cats! From him I knew they were pretty expensive, so I never really thought about them until I saw the pictures of Skorpan… he’s so pretty! And doesn’t shed much, and they are great indoor kitties. Oh and there is a breeder here in Philadelphia! GangesCattery.com… they have an Online Kitten Application Form! Oh! … Not that I’m looking to get one *coughcough* at $500 each for pet quality (as opposed to one you wish to show) *wince* I do love kitties though %) Oh this is the page about Skorpan: Skorpan Page!. I need to make a pretty page like this for Cargo.

I guess that’s it. Allergies aren’t really bugging me today, yay! I think it was just the people cutting the grass that was driving my sinuses nuts. I am going to go figure out what I should make for dinner now. *wanders off*