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dumb people with firecrackers and spending time with friends

o/` Bel Canto – Dreaming Girl o/`

Yesterday was eventful.

In the evening I was making and early dinner when I heard some popping noise outside. At first we thought it was just some kids in the park near our place throwing little firecrackers. Then Myk went outside and saw that someone was throwing them from their porch out into the parkinglot, some were landing and exploding less than 20 feet from our porch! Myk went over to talk to the neighbor and ask the kids to stop it (it’s illegal), and he found it was some half drunk 40 year old “stereotypical white trash” guy throwing them. The hell? He got all pissed at Myk when he asked him to stop and started swearing. Eventually we called the cops, who slowly drove through the parkinglot and never stopped. We called the emergency people for the apartment complex since it was after hours and they never responded (they should have, I spoke to a woman from the leasing office this morning). And it seems that the guy that was throwing them didn’t even live there, he was a guest. I guess we’re going to head up and make a complaint at the police station later, at least this way we can have a paper trail if it happens again (the woman from the office that i spoke with this morning concurred), even if the jerk doesnt get in trouble for it this time. What was he thinking? Throwing firecrackers into a populated parkinglot on a SATURDAY? There were obviously people around to report him.

After all that annoyance we ate our half warm dinner. I read for a while, finished the second book in Card’s Homecoming series and started on the third. Didn’t do any computer stuff really, I wasn’t in the mood, just happy to relax with some books.

Around 9 we decided to head up to the martini party. It seems that I always forget how uncomfortable such situations make me… lots of people around my age, most of them I don’t know, hanging out and drinking in an apartment and porch. I’m not very social. I like talking to small groups of people in comfortable settings. So we didn’t drink, that was fine with me, I really wasn’t in the mood. Saw pinkee, mj and darkspur for a little while, we hadnt seen darkspur in a while, so it was cool seeing him. Unfortunately they had to leave because pinkee wasn’t feeling good (drinks + meds didn’t treat her well). That was a bit of a disappointment, since I wanted to hang out with them too. Bj and Sandi showed up of course, yay! %) It was really great getting to see them. Luckily neither of them were in a “party” mood at the moment either, so after spending a bit of time there talking we all decided to head up to get some food.

Bj, Sandi, mct, Nita, Myk and I all went up to have dinner at this little diner nearby. We had fun just sitting around and talking, catching up a bit. Sandi is a really fun person and I enjoyed talking to her, and bj has a sense of humor that I missed. It’s just not the same “being” with people in IRC, or in a journal. The food at the diner was ok, and service was ok, but I didn’t mind much, it was really the company that I enjoyed. It was a great night. I was a bit tired by 1:30 when we finished our food and left the diner. Stayed awake on the whole right home though. As soon as I got home I got into my pajamas and went to bed, fell asleep quickly. I didn’t even check my email or see who was in IRC! Hehe…

This morning I woke up around 10:30. I might go back to bed, I’m still tired %) and it’s a holiday weekend!

*wanders off*