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Yay, some work.

Yesterday I went to work. *watches everyone reading this do a double-take on whose journal this is* Yep, work. Myk told me yesterday morning around 9:30 that employer had some tedious html work that they needed someone to do this week, and since I was available at last minute they had no trouble accepting me to do the contract work, yay! It was kinda nice being notified at last minute, since I am a crazy worrier and I probably wouldn’t have slept Sunday night if I had known I was going to work my first day the next morning. I really had nothing to worry about however, it really was html grunt work, a bit of organizing of content, nothing remotely difficult. Today they have more work for me, so I’ll be going in with Myk this morning. So this is why I’m up and showered before 7 am.

Having this contract work is very nice, I am happy to financially contribute for once to this relationship, and it certainly makes me feel better about myself. This is a great opportunity as well. I kept finding myself wondering how I’d get anywhere without this chance, thinking it’s somehow less of an achievement since my boyfriend set me up with this. But if I wasn’t here with Myk, if I was still living in NY with my aunt, I’d probably would be working and going to school, carving my way that way, so what I’m doing now is just taking advantage of the opportunities that live is giving me. I shouldn’t worry about how I got the opportunities, only that they exist.

Who knows, maybe in the future, if they are pleased with my work, I will have more chances to work for them. That’d be nice. At least I now can expand my portfolio, not just one webpage job for a tiny real estate company, now I have something more, and a bit different. It feels good.

Well I am going to go eat some breakfast and continue to get ready to go. *wanders off*