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Stuff, wallace and gromit, and my mom.

o/` Johnny Cash – Hurt o/`

I love cover songs, and this is one of my all time favorites. RIP Johnny.

PS2 CoverI cleaned the apartment this morning, just like every friday. The weather is great so I kept the windows open, a very nice breeze. They sprayed the lawn today with some chemical stuff, so tonight we will have to keep an eye out for Crazy Squirrels, hehe…

Ahh… This weekend it’s supposed to rain. That crosses most activities on our list of things we can do on weekends. I’m sure we’ll find something, maybe rent a few movies (yeah, I still need to see RHPS).

I updated the News Section of WallaceAndGromit.net yesterday afternoon. The covers for the new Wallace And Gromit games have been release yay! I’m so excited to get my copy when they come out later this year. They also have released tons more screenshots on gamespot.com than I had seen previously. It’s going to be so neat. Maybe this game will even push more people into knowing about Wallace And Gromit, maybe even be helpful when the full length movie is released in 2005. It’s so sad how much Wallace And Gromit have gone out of the public eye, even online there are few new websites featuring them, and many of the old sites are gone or havent been updated in *years*

I spoke to my mother recently. She’s unhappy, she’s always unhappy. This time, while my little sister was at a friend’s house, she left home because I guess her husband was treating her badly or something (My mother remarred after divorcing my father in 2000). She ended up at her sister-in-laws place for the night. It’s sad, because I want my mother to be happy, but frustrating at the same time because I know she will never be. While I was up there back in June she introduced me to a male friend of hers, and from the way she acted, and he responded it was clear to me that something was going on.. or that they wanted something to go on. I don’t know what it is about her that makes her unable to be faithful, or always so miserable in her marriages. I guess some people are just like this, maybe part of it comes from her marrying so young (basically right out of high school to a guy 10 years older than her). I guess part of it comes from being such a pessimist, I need to work on that myself. I wish I could see her happy someday, but I just don’t see it…

Well I’m glad it’s weekend time now, should have a relaxing weekend with my Myk %) Yay!. *wanders off*