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Christmas 1984

This is my second Christmas living by myself. I’m fortunate enough to have friends who have invited me to Christmas festivities both last year and this one so I didn’t need to spend the holiday alone.

In spite of not being a Christian, the secular angle of this holiday was important when I was younger. My family was not wealthy, and like all families, it was far from perfect, but my parents worked hard to to make Christmas (as well as Thanksgiving and Easter) special. We always had a beautiful real tree with piles of presents beneath, traditions which included a formal afternoon dinner, and most of all, as sappy and silly as it sounds – we always felt loved, safe and provided for. I’ll always be grateful to my parents for this.

Lyz and Heather on Christmas in 1984

These days I still put up lights and a (fake) tree so I’m reminded of the season (and oooh, colorful lights and penguins!). Tomorrow, Christmas, I am spending the evening at Christmas dinner with a local family who invited me to spend it with them and their extended family.

Happy Holidays everyone!