o/` Stabbing Westward – Crushing Me o/`
I worked on R2D2 the irssi bot a little today. A friend of mine discovered how to get it to respond to actions, the key was that actions are a ctcp, I had never fully explored this theory. So now:
* PrincesSlaya2 pats R2D666 on his bot head
* R2D666 beeps and blinks happily
Yay %)
Next I’m going to add a !commands and/or !help command, maybe tomorrow.
I got another shipment of books from Prentice Hall/Addison Wesley … mostly more copies of what we got before. So many books! This is fun. I also signed up the group as an Apress user group, this promises to bring some books as well.
I am becoming more bitter. I was thinking about this recently, talked to Myk about it for a little while the other day, and decided that it’s probably a bad thing. It was funny at first, and I could usually laugh off how annoyed I was with things, but it’s turning into a horrible habit. I know that the company I keep has added to this, many of the people close to me share in my ranting and hate sessions. And it’s fun, we complain about things that people do to make us angry, I guess these ranting sessions really help us get out some of our pent up anger, and justify it because we have people agreeing with us. But then I walk away from these still angry. Some days I just wish that nearly everyone would die (which could be looked at as a good sign, I am no longer lacking self esteem and wishing I would die *grin*). I guess we all get in moods like this, but I don’t like it, and I can tell I’m more easily annoyed that I used to be. Maybe this comes with age. Maybe I’m just becoming lazy. Being bitter is so much easier to get into a habit of being than being nice is. I guess finding a happy medium is good. Being too nice makes you get walked all over. Being too bitter causes serious social problems.
Maybe I should spend some time offline and alone, I guess there is such a thing as too much interaction with others. Maybe I just need to stop and take a good look at myself again and figure out where this anger is really coming from. Maybe I am just more normal now, I have always been known as being “nice” this could be quite natural.
Maybe I’m crazy and think about my emotions too much.
*wanders off*