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customer service, philly chix, gimp filters, religion, shopping…

o/` The Cure – A Forest o/`

Since I last posted Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor of California. I’d rather not get into my thoughts at this, I think two quotes in IRC recently sum it up quite well:

Time– The government should just put the polls in the local Blockbuster video stores since that’s how most people choose fucking canidates these days anyway.

sevenoverMURDER– I’m all for Arnold as governor.. Conan was hilarious last night


Yesterday I spent working on a number of things, did I get anything substantial finished? Of course not. I called up the electric company, phone company and cable company to see how early I could schedule things to be turned off and stuff for our move in December. Most of them said I need to call less than 30 days before I need things turned off. The woman at the electric company was very nice on the phone, I am so used to lousy customer services that this took me by surprise and it was quite pleasant. The phones at the phone company are all automated, respond to your voice commands, it got quite confused with all the numbers even though I am sure I was saying them clearly, why not give an option just to type them in on your phone? It would be much easier. It’s funny how “polite” the machine tries to be. I got the standard *horrible* customer service when I called Comcast, the guy on the phone was half asleep and mumbling a lot, his monotone voice was just screaming “is it 5 pm yet?” Oh well.

Last night we headed to Fort Washington for the philly chix meeting.

Erin, Lyz, Kristin

There were only three of us there, but we had a really nice time. The company Erin works for, Chariot Solutions, was the host and they even paid for our food! The meeting ended up lasting from around 6:30 until a little after 8:30, and toward the end our boyfriends/husbands started wandering in and we all talked for a bit. I even got to get rid of some of these books that had been piling up under my desk… hehe.

When I was getting the pictures of the meeting off of the digital camera I also found some other ones on there. A few of which were taken when it was apparently too dark in the room (the flash on the camera stopped working some time ago). One of these pictures was of me playing with Cargo kitty in our livingroom in front of the glass sliding door out to our porch. Since it was mostly just silhouettes of me and cargo I wondered what sort of neat things the default filters in Gimp could do to it. I was pleasantly surprised by some of them, especially:

Filters are neat. And while playing with these I took notes on which ones I was using, which ones I really liked for this sort of thing, and somehow it developed into a couple hour mini-project. I was just going to keep it in it’s own little directory for my own future reference, but I figured it would be easier for me if I actually put it in HTML form, and if I’m going that far, why not just put it on my website? So it’s up here now.

I was speaking with an acquaintance of mine recently about religion. I am not completely sure what his relgion is exactly, he claims they “REALLY follow the Bible” which apparently means that they respect both old testament and new testament customs (thus celebrating some “Jewish” holidays, like Yom Kippur just a few days ago). In the past I’ve really had to put on armor in such discussions, but this person was calm, and respectful and very open-minded, how refreshing! He spoke to me about what he believed, and was quite civil and non-preachy about it. T
his is what I need from people telling me about religion. For once I walked away from the discussion in a good mood, feeling somewhat enlightened. And he said that I “Made his Day of Atonement” for being so open-minded, yay!

I met someone new this week. He’s been hanging out in #13thHour this week, found us through my website and apparently he lives in the area. He tried to get his SO interested enough to come to the chix meeting last night but failed. I was talking to him yesterday and he was playing with an xchat weather script that he found. He said it used a “machine readable” feed from wunderground.com. Joy! He sent me the xchat script. This would be a great alternative to the horrible wget+grep script that I had on R2 previously, since it kept breaking and crashing irssi when the webpage didn’t act the way I wanted it to. I havent even looked at the xchat script yet, but I’ll probably have a look later this afternoon.

We have to go shopping for clothes tonight. I HATE shopping for clothes! But I DO need some nicer shirts if I’m going to be working part-time at a real business. I guess this isn’t as bad as finding “replacement” clothes, since no new pants or shoes are ever as cool as the ones I currently own.

*wanders off*