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Somtimes it smells bad here.

o/` Peter Murphy – Socrates The Python o/`

I didn’t do much on Sunday. Did some reading, did some knitting while watching TV. At 8 we watched TCM because each sunday this month they’re showing older horror movies, this week was “Horror of Dracula” and “Dracula, Prince of Darkness” … the first was good, but the second movie definately could have used some work ;) but I enjoyed the evening.

Over the weekend Myk took the time to test his increased pcmcia skills to install debian on my laptop. We moved away from Redhat for many reasons, I don’t like the package management system, they are dropping up2date support at the end of the year… Debian is just so much better once it’s installed. Now I have fluxbox running on my super debian laptop %) I’m so happy. I spent a bunch of time on Monday customizing things and it’s really running great now, I’m so happy. No more Red Hat! screenshot from r2a6 laptop running fluxbox WM

The evening on Monday started out normal enough, ate dinner, relaxed watching some tv and knitting. Then Myk went to go grab something out of the clean dishwasher (we run it after dinner), and a horrible smell came from it. Oh no. Turns out that our plastic spatula had fallen down to the bottom of the dishwasher were the heat elements are. I didn’t even realize this could happen! But it burned the spatula pretty badly, and our apartment was left smelling horribly of burnt plastic. We made sure all the windows were open so that the smell would go away. Then some nasty old car drove by and there was a smell of gasoline coming in the windows *groan* could the night get more smelly? Indeed, we seem to have some skunks living near here, and they decided to come out last night. I almost laughed at how horrible our luck was. Myk decided to do a bit of cleaning on the dishwasher (the whole thing stunk, as well as all the dishes we had tried to clean!)

I went to bed around midnight, I felt fine. Then around 2:30 am I woke up sick to my stomach. I think it was the horrible burnt plastic smell (I tend to have a weak stomach when it comes to smells I don’t like, a major contributer when I get carsick). Got up sick another 2 times before I decided to just sleep on the couch (it’s more convienent and I wouldn’t wake up Myk). It was a horrible night, I didn’t sleep much, I’m tired today. I do feel much better this afternoon, I think I might go for a walk to get away from the smell though o_o

It seems mIRC was exploited, some thing with DCC that would cause mIRC to crash. We had a bit of trouble on the server last night because script kiddies were coming onto the server to do harm, and people were coming into #support, “OMG WTF MY MRIC IS BREAKING!!!11” I’m glad I am not around much in the evening %) My patience would have run out quickly with these people (the other IRCops had sent out global messages warning people about this issue, and telling them to upgrade). I guess the problem was that mIRC users (at least these ones) are not particularly tech saavy, so when an exploit is found they aren’t on a happy security mailing list, or surfing tech sites so they just don’t realize that their software can be taken down so easily. And I think many of them are lazy, or don’t understand, since there WERE global messages. It’s frustrating. I’m glad I use irssi and stay up to date with security updates.

I need to catch up on emailing some friends now… and clean out my mailbox. And finish cleaning the dishwasher, bleh…

*wanders off*