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the dishwasher, google, and I got a real chain letter!

I cleaned the dishwasher with bleach, tried all sorts of things. Then Myk did a lot more cleaning last night. It still smells bad *sigh* I did some more dishes, tried once again to clean the plastic that was in the dishwasher when the spatula burned. Not much luck, they still all stink, after HOURS in soapy water. I think we’ll probably just spend a couple bucks and replace it all. Stupid burning in dishwasher! We’re going to turn off “heated dry” for a week or so and see if it eventually stops smelling so bad.

Also spent a bit of the morning cleaning the bathroom. Then I took a bath, it was very nice %)

We decided to go out to dinner last night because the burnt smell in the apartment was so bad and I had to spend my whole day with it. Ended up going out for chinese because neither of us had eaten chinese in quite some time. We drove to “Natural Village” Chinese Restaurant, in Huntingdon Valley. It was a nice place, they even had a huge vegan menu! All sorts of interesting dishes that I didn’t even know they made vegan, vegan seafood, vegan ice cream. I decided to just go with normal chinese food though, ordered Sesame Shrimp. It was so good %) A bit sweet, maybe I’ll ask for it to be more spicy next time.

I got a fortune cookie , it didn’t spam me. My fortune was: “From now on your kindness with lead you to success” … If only!

We were listening to NPR last night on our way home from dinner, and managed to catch an interview with Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the founders of Google. Cool! It was a great interview (even if the interviewer seemed to not understand much about computers). Myk found an archived stream of it, and I highly recommend listening if you have google interests:


Ah, speaking of google:

Thank you for verifying your Google account. Your account is now activated. Currently, this account can be used to access Google in Your Language, Google Answers, Google Web APIs and Google Groups.

Joy! This is an account to use the Google API. I learned about the existance of this through the Google Hacks book, which provides perl scripts as examples for how to use it. Which is quite lucky for me since I do a lot of stuff in Perl. I was emailed a developers key which gives me access to 1000 google searches per day through whatever scripts I feel like writing (like one for my IRC bot if I felt so inclined). Why use the API instead of LWP::UserAgent like I used for R2’s weather script? It’s against google’s rules to use such automated “scraping” of pages, and abusers could get themselves blocked from google. I’m not really worried about that, but I do respect Google enough to want to go by their rules… besides, this is fun! I will have to play around with it this afternoon.

I got a chain letter in the real mail today from someone I’ve never met (I have a vague idea who the person is, but I still have never met her). No wait, it says “This is NOT a chain letter. It’s just for fun.” Well it walks like a duck… I didn’t know people still did these things, how cute! I’ve never passed along a chain letter.

I was going about replying to emails yesterday, and I realized that my mailbox was a mess. Not only was it poorly organized, but it was full of junk I didn’t need.

(elizabeth@r2q5) ~ $ du -h mail/
23M mail

I am a huge packrat, and my mailbox is no different. Luckily text doesn’t take up much space… I did some reorganizing today so that I can actually find things when I need them. Deleted A LOT of stuff, including a few bulky emails that had attachments. Now my mailbox is much more manageable.

(elizabeth@r2q5) ~ $ du -h mail/
12M mail

I am sure I could slim it down further by deleting a lot of sent mail.

DCC SEND from Matr|X [ port 0]: “x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x [0 bytes]

Apparently this is how mIRC is crashed by this mIRC exploit. This moron thought it would be fun to try it against IRCops. He was banned very quickly. I wish mIRC users would just upgrade their clients so these script kiddies would give up and go away and stop bothering those of us who use non-vunerable clients…

I’m going to go work on some things now. *wanders off*