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o/` Johnny Cash – Hurt o/`

I played around with the google API today. It was lots of fun %) I ended up writing a script for my irc bot. Not that it’ll be used much, but it’s really the only perl thing I currently have running that I could test it on..

-PrincesSlaya2- !google princessleia2
-R2D666- About 639 results results for your query. Displaying top:
-R2D666- PrincessLeia.com: http://www.princessleia.com/
-R2D666- PrincessLeia2's Xanga Site: http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=PrincessLeia2
-R2D666- PrincessLeia2's Random Mutterings: http://www.livejournal.com/users/princessleia2/


Last night The West Wing wasn’t on. I was puzzled by this so i went to the NBC website, and at the top, in red letters, it said “Tonight’s episode of the West Wing will air on October 29th.” Those meanies.

I did laundry today, and the dishwasher situation seems to be a bit better with us not using heated dry. Even the plastics came a bit cleaner… but I’m not sure if it’s good enough yet.

I like nice people. Sometimes I get so caught up in how annoying some people are that I forget how many great people were out there. Today I emailed someone about a script they had written, and their reply was very nice and helpful. It made me feel really good. I guess it only takes one moron to make my day bad, and sometimes I forget that the majority of people I encounter on a daily basis are good.

Speaking of frustration.. the services are down on xelium because one of the IRCops decided he would play with OperServ. It really wasn’t his fault, the services crashed because of a silly bug with one of the commands he tried (it should have been harmless). But it did annoy me that he was playing with it in the first place. Oh well.

I guess that’s it, I need to go make dinner now. *wanders off*