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hotwings dripping with sauce, and the dc trip tomorrow

o/` Tangerine Dream – Legend Soundtrack o/`

Late yesterday afternoon I got a chance to talk to a friend of mine on the phone. He calls me about once a month, tells me about how his life is, how his girlfriend is, how college is. It’s nice, even if we COULD just talk online. I don’t like phones much, and usually prefer talking online, but it’s a nice change every once in a while. During the conversation we started talking about food, specifically pizza and wings. Now it’s well known that most of the time when I talk about food I will end up wanting it. I love food.

So when Myk came home from work I suggested we get some chicken wings. I was bored with the crusty wings that we get at the pizzeria near here, so we decided to order from “Wings To Go,” a new place that keeps sending coupons in every flier we get in the mail these days. We ordered 20 (another one of those crazy places that doesnt sell by the dozen). Myk went to pick them up, and while he was gone I put a couple “pepperoni” boca pizzas in the oven. When Myk came home he brought the wings, and the sauce was dripping from the bag. OH JOY!!! I havent had wings that dripped with sauce for so long! It was a very nice tastey dinner.

This morning I got up and started doing final organizing things for the DC trip. All the plans seemed to go well, but then we found out that there is going to be an anti-war protest in DC tomorrow. UGH! Of course we’re still going, but this could complicate things, make traffic down there a nightmare. Sigh. I think we’ll have a nice time though, I’m really looking forward to it. I’ll be sure to take pictures.

This will be the first time I’ve been to DC since I was in 7th grade. That’s when I went with my sister’s Girl Scout troop (another girl my age who had a little sister in the troop went too, so I wasn’t completely out of place). It’s been a long time.

*wanders off*