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Last night, DC picture, Xelium IRC

I went back to bed after writing that entry yesterday. Didn’t wake up until Myk got out of bed at 2 pm. I did some reading, finished Frankenstein and I’m almost done with Witches Abroad. Then around 3:30 we headed up to see a house that a friend of ours is selling. It was still a mess because they are in the process of moving, so we’re going to go back next week and look at it again. Afterwards we had to drive pinkee and her son Thomas home (because by letting us come so late to see the place they had missed the last bus). We were hungry so decided to take them out to pizza at Joseph’s (it’s very near the house, it’d be so great to live near Joseph’s! hehe). It was so yummie %d And I had never really gotten a chance to spend any time with Thomas (he’s 12ish I believe). He’s a really cool kid %)

After dinner we drove them home, then headed home ourselves. By the time we got home it was almost 7. My! Where had the day gone? I read for about an hour then turned on TCM for the Hammer horror films of the night. They played The Devil’s Bride and The Devil’s Own. They were quite entertaining.

Went to sleep around 12:30.

This morning I got the pictures off the camera. Only two came out, and I won’t post any of other people until I get their permission and am able to put them all up on a little “DC trip” section of the philly chix website. The hippie posters one wasn’t on my camera, so I’m waiting to get that from Erin, but here’s one of me that turned out ok:

I made a couple changes to my guestbook today. Most notably I made it so it emails me when someone leaves a message in it. I’m not sure why I didn’t have that feature to begin with. This way I’ll be alerted immediately when someone makes an entry, and if it’s spam I can take care of it quickly.

After that botnet attack on one of the servers this weekend we got a new high user count for the server:

-!- Current Global Users: 333 Max: 666

*chuckles* How appropriate for this halloweeny month. Our max user count previously was 531, and that was actual users. Typically we’ve had max around 400 these days.

In other xelium news, one of the channels that had a couple dozen users decided to leave today. The owner claims that they are leaving because :

Although #Gamealbums was small we brought and introduced more people to mIRC and to xelium than any other chat room did. Little credit was given to #Gamealbums or the site for our help. The admins did little to reward our efforts.

First of all, it’s a lie that they brought the most people. They were not the biggest channel on the network. Their channel was smaller than both of the other game music channels on the network, it was often the size of #13thHour. Second, they annoy me by using “IRC” interchangeably with “mIRC”! hehe. And what are we supposed to do to “reward” a channel anyway? We have their website linked to the xelium website. What this channel owner was upset about was never getting IRCops (he became notorious for sucking up to all of us to get them), and our position that we would not get involved in a fight between them and another game music channel. I’m not concerned about this channel leaving. In fact, this gets rid of many headaches, now we don’t need to worry about the bickering between this game music channel and the others. And it doesn’t matter much anyway, our user count hasn’t been hurt because many of their users also go to the other game music channels, and won’t leave the server completely. Crazy IRC.

I have some things to do now. *wanders off*