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a new record! notebooks, zope, balloons and the west wing

I’ve now officially been in this relationship with Myk longer than I’ve ever been in any other romatic relationship (I had already long surpassed the longest time “happy in a relationship” mark). 2 years, 1 month, 1 day. That makes me feel really good.

Last night was again quite uneventful. We were going to carve pumpkins but then ended up taking a nap, oops. We’ll have to do them tonight %)

I walked up to the shopping plaza earlier today because I got so annoyed with a notebook I have. I learn better when I write things down with a pen and paper, so when I’m learning new things I like to take notes in this way. The notebook I had was one of those ones that just has the paper glued to the spine, and much to my dismay, pages fall out quite often. It sucks. So I resolved to just get one of the spiral bound ones. I went to Staples and of course they only sell expensive ones, or cheap ones in a 6 pack. So I decided to buy a 3 pack of smallish ones. They are cute and college-ruled just like I want them to be. And since there are 3 of them I can use one for Perl, one for Zope, one for misc. other stuff. It’ll work out nicely. *hugs her new notebooks*

While I was walking back from the shopping plaza I noticed a half deflated balloon on the ground. This reminded me of when I was in DC. We stopped at a McDonalds on our way to the meeting because we needed to use their bathroom (we drank coffee and soda on the way down). This was the first time I had been in a McDonalds in over a year, and I noticed there were balloons. The balloons had a McDonalds logo on one side and on the other it had a choking hazard warning. This is the same warning that I saw on the balloon while walking home this morning. Is this very common now? I didn’t think our species had gone that far into decline.

I finished the Zope tutorial this afternoon. A lot of DTML stuff that I really have never been exposed to. I’m going to need to find some sort of DTML tutorial and at least get the basics down so I can tell what is Zope-specific and what is not. But the learning process is going slow and steady, I think I can get pretty good with it within a couple weeks if I keep working with it, I might need to play with it on a server with mail though, so I can test some of those features (one whole lesson dealt with mail). I can definately see why some people might want to use this.

I watched the West Wing last night. On Bravo they are playing all the episdes, and I just saw the season finale for season 2 last night. Wow. “Two Cathedrals” is right up there in my top 5 episodes. Not just because it makes me cry. They had some amazing scenes in there, even one I had seen before in a documentary about the show. Man, I love the West Wing. They are even going to be releasing it on DVD! Season one is set to be released on November 18th. Yeah, I think I’d have to say that The West Wing is one of my favorite shows ever.

*wanders off*