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Philly Chix meeting, and “you look like someone who would be from Maine”

It’s sunny today, but still windy. It’s not as windy as it was yesterday, the downed trees from that wind caused quite a problem for people driving home last night. Luckily we didn’t encounter any problems while driving down to the philly chix meeting last night.

Erin picked me up yesteday evening around 7. The ride down wasn’t too bad, typical route 76 traffic into the city, it took about 50 minutes. The meeting ended up going very well. Four of us showed up most of the talk ended up being about programming (a subject I can contribute much less to than linux), but it was fun. Maggie had all sorts of interesting stories to tell since she’s been into computers for decades, it was wonderful hearing her stories %) Even after Hanna had to leave, the three of us remaining ended up staying and talking for an extra hour, before we knew it it was 10 pm! Finally around 10 we decided we all needed to get home. The traffic coming home was a bit of a nightmare. First there was an accident on 76, so there was a TON of traffic as soon as we got on that. Finally got past the accident and the ride was fine, got on the turnpike, everything is going great, and then at the “2 miles until…” sign for our exit there was a WALL of traffic. Apparently for that two miles before our exit it was down to 1 lane (it’s usually 3). So those two miles took us about 25 minutes to get through. Finally we got back to my apartment at around 11:20. It was a great night.

chix meeting

I got to wear my new boots to the meeting, they are so comfortable! I thought the arch in the foot would feel too strangely high, it does at first, but once you start walking around in them you realize that it feels perfect. I am very happy with them.

While we were getting ready to leave the meeting one of the women mentioned that it was cold out, to which I blurted out “I’m from Maine, this is *nothing*!” Erin then said that I “looked like someone who would be from Maine.” When I asked her to explain the final answer ended up being “You have that L.L. Bean look” Of course at the time I was wearing an L.L. Bean jacket (which wasn’t clear from just looking at it), and that made me laugh. So here I am, falling into the stereotype of someone from Maine. I actually don’t mind that though, I do love L.L. Bean, and I’m happy to be from Maine, it gives me a wonderful excuse for being so naive.

I’m glad it’s friday. *wanders off*