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I hate IE! Went to see Master and Commander… and stuff

I would have posted this yesterday if my net connection hadn’t died *stabs Comcast*

I hate Internet Explorer. It fails to follow standard techniques to determine the content type of a file. This caused a lot of trouble for me today, since Zope’s method of defining the content type is standard. My pages worked properly everywhere! Except for on Internet Explorer, which I didn’t test. It makes me so crazy, few things compare to my hatred of IE right now!

It’s funny how people will argue how simple it is to design pages for IE, who are these people? Bad coders I guess. Mozilla might have it’s querks, but you can depend on it properly rendering pages if you follow the rules. IE drives me up the wall because it fails to obey by standards set forth, and there is no place I can go where MS tells me all the stupid stuff IE does. What is so difficult about properly recongising a content type when it sees one? I HATE IE!!! STOP TRYING TO THINK FOR ME!

This made my day a little sad, and plus my stomach is protesting after all that lousy food I ate yesterday. But there have been a number of positive things happening as well, so it’s balancing out to be a decent monday.

Yesterday evening we met a some of our friends (mct, nita, n-tropy, kelly) at a movie theater. The theater was out in the middle of nowhere (Oaks, PA), it took about 45 minutes to get there, but it was a nice theater. We saw “Master and Commander” which I wasn’t all too thrilled to see, but we wanted to see our friends, since it had been a while. Turns out it was a pretty decent movie. I don’t really like Russell Crowe, but I guess I don’t like many leading action type guys. At the movie I ate lots of popcorn and drank a whole large cherry coke by myself. Afterwards mct, Nita, Myk and I headed over to TGI Fridays at the King Of Prussia mall. We wanted some “real food” after the popcorn, and of course, me in my infinite wisdom, decided to order a fried chicken sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and of course, extra mayo. It tasted great at the time. It was really nice spending some time with our friends, I missed them! It was nice to get out too. We never did go grocery shopping yesterday, so we don’t have much food, oops. We got home around midnight, I was so tired that I went almost immediately to bed. But it was a great night. Unfortunately I woke up this morning a bit sick to my stomache. Arg! I should have known better than to eat so much food that’s bad for me!

Myk and I joined the Bucks County Linux Users Group mailing list this weekend. I heard about it through Erin at the last philly chix meeting. Their meetings are much closer to where we are than the PLUG meetings, and if there are interesting meetings we might end up going to them more often than we’ve been attending PLUG (which has been hardly ever). I posted for the first time today, just a response to a post, which now means I have posted more often than on PLUG (why don’t I post on PLUG? I don’t feel very comfortable there I guess). It seems like a nice group, and still on the small side, so they are quite welcoming (to me anyway).

It’s funny how my comfort zones are established. It seems that once I get some sort of indicator that I’m “accepted” and/or respected in a place I’ll instantly drop a lot of my inhibitions. But it’s that first impression and hoping that people will think well of me that keeps tripping me up. I know I know, it shouldn’t matter what people think! But feelings (and anxiety) don’t always follow logic. I need to get over this someday.

Hey, who broke the internet? *pokes her modem* this outage is longer than most (started at 5:11 .. it’s 5:40 now).

I just went into the bedroom to turn on the TV and make sure the world wasn’t ending (oh, does that make me crazy?) and the cable is out too. THE SKY IS FALLING!

Oh, just called comcast, they are having an outage. I hate comcast.

I’ll post this tuesday. *wanders off*