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IRC Nostalgia and The Office

Reading through the whole buffer of #13thHour when returning to my computer in the morning has become somewhat impossible, but sometimes I skim through it if I feel so inclined. I noticed someone with the nickname “Tchaikovsky” dropped by #13thHour last night, she used to go by Tearus. Now I remembered her, that she was a close friend of one of my ex’s, but I remembered little other than that. So I dug through my #13thHour logs from 1999 to remember (of course I have irc logs from 1999, what kind of packrat would I be if I didn’t?). It seems that when I broke up with that guy she left the channel with him, and we ended up not liking each other very much. According to what I can see in the logs this was never really resolved. Still, it was interesting to see someone from way back in the day finding us, since we aren’t on scifi anymore. And hey, it’s been four years since we last spoke, my ex is happily married with a son and I communicate with him a couple times a year, certainly Tearus couldn’t hold anything against me still.

Of course since I opened these old logs I HAD to do more searching through them %)

I started using IRC back in October of 1998. No, I wasn’t one of those people who has been online since 1994, I really wasn’t seriously into computers until 1999 (sure, I had a small interest before that). I wasn’t even online until 1998 (but I did have roadrunner cable internet, ph33r me). I used to drop by Scifi.com to play some Caption This! often, and while I was there one day I noticed that there was a java chat. My experience up to this point in chat had only been watching a friend of mine chat on AOL, which was horrible, so I was reluctant to join this, but hey, there were fun people on Caption This! maybe they’d be cool in chat too. I joined through the java chat client, I didn’t even know what IRC was.

I met a few very nice people in those last 3 months of 1998. I still email brak, Exeplis, and Camadon a couple times a year, I still communicate regularly with Locdog07, Peacimowen, Simba, and Aquarius. And of course, I live with Time (Myk). We had some fun times back then, I met all these people in a channel called #Tom_Servo (windows calls the log file #tom_s~1.log … *groan*). Good times, Peacimowen, Time and I even celebrated the 1998-99 new year together. Looking at the logs it seems #13thHour, in it’s official form (there was a channel or two before it where we all talked, but not called #13thHour) was created in January of 1999.

I’m done being nostalgic now, I’ll save those wonderful stories of meeting online people for another time.

I now have the whole second season (6 episodes) of The Office, the DVD hasn’t been released in the US yet, so my methods of receiving these episodes aren’t completely evil ;) This is the only way I can see them! I haven’t watched them yet though, maybe this weekend or later tonight.

Oh joy it’s friday! I did some cleaning this morning. Cargo is coming over for the weekend, yay! Now I’m going to do some work on some stuff. *wanders off*