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My past couple weeks.

I’m at work. Michael had to come in to do a few things, and my options were either stay home with his mother and do Christmas decorating, or come into work and play online. It wasn’t a difficult decision. I have had a few hours of internet playtime! Unfortunately for my journal people most of that was not spent writing this, or visiting journals, I chose instead to hang out in IRC, and work on my websites.

But here we go, a brief rundown of the past few weeks.

We had a snowstorm on the weekend we were moving. It was cold, and icy, and a real pain to move. It could have been worse, we were done moving in less than 7 hours.

I worked the week we moved, it was fine, I’ve learned a lot in Zope while using it, and it’s really cool to be working on real business websites. I like my job.

We had the home inspection done this past tuesday. There are a couple problems with the house, but nothing major. We’re now getting a contracter to give us an estimate on how much it will cost to fix the minor problems, that will be presented to the seller who will decide with us what they will be paying for and what is for us to pay for. All in all it’s coming along nicely. Depending on how these repairs work out, we’re shooting for a January 29th closing date.

Living with Michael’s mother really isn’t all that bad, she makes us dinner often and we get up early enough not to interrupt her schedule any. Still, I’m REALLY looking forward to having our own place again, I feel like I’m living in a hotel room.

I caught that miserable flu that has been sweeping across the US. I was out of work for 3 days this week, it wasn’t any fun. I finally get a chance at a job and I catch the flu! I’m still getting over it, after being awake for a few hours I start feeling sleepy and achy, and the cough isn’t gone yet. I’m actually getting into the sleepy, achy, time now.

We haven’t seen Return Of The King yet (because I’ve been sick), but I’m really looking forward to it. Of course all our friends here have probably already seen it, hrm, well we will go alone if we need to, we didn’t see Two Towers until the January after it’s release, and it was just Michael and I.

I made my website pretty for the holidays.

At work I am using Gentoo. It’s pretty neat. I think I am mostly seduced by the fact that I have stable, NEW applications to use… I’ve gotten so used to the old stuff that’s in debian stable. I don’t think I’ll quickly get used to the install times with emerge, compiling everything from source is so time-consuming. Still, I think I’m happy with my system *pats r2b1* I’ve got it running fluxbox… oh and I took a screenshot, it’s here. Gentoo is neat.

I guess that’s all I really feel like writing now. Take care everyone. Happy Holidays!