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It’s Christmas Eve.

Offline Entry, Posted Jan 21, 2004

It’s 56 degrees out and drizzling, not exactly the perfect weather, in fact, this bedroom is rather warm instead of it’s usual chilliness. I guess part of that has to do with all the computers up here now too. Michael got a little bored the other day and wanted to do some work on his box, and I wanted our media server that had all our Christmas music on it, so we brought up our workstations and the media server and networked them all. My laptop is on the network now as well, yay! I have Christmas music! *listens* It’s nice having the computers here even if they aren’t online. And I’m discovering all the things that I don’t have installed, and it’s not as easy as “apt-get install..” to remedy that. I don’t have xv (needed for how we set backgrounds in fluxbox) on my laptop OR my workstation, I don’t have ogg123 on my laptop, which I could have sworn I had and unfortunately I don’t have the debs on my workstation. Oh well %) I should make a list of things to install when I get a chance.

This week off has been nice. Mostly I’m enjoying sleeping in everyday! Even two weeks of waking up at 5 am to go to work wore me out ;) I will get used to it eventually, but it’s great to have this week to recover. Besides, I am still getting over that lousy cold. Ah since I haven’t made an offline entry in a couple weeks I never mentioned that…

I had been getting a cold for a couple weeks. Everyone says that’s how this one strikes, it’s long and drawn out. Finally last monday while I was at work I started feeling really horrible. I stayed at work that whole day, somewhat afraid of doing otherwise. Why afraid? Well I finally get this awsome chance at a job doing what I want to do, and I don’t want to blow it by being sick! Turns out I didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter, I couldn’t concentrate enough to work toward the end of Monday, and everyone could see I wasn’t feeling good. The bosses told me to just go home until I was better. The next 3 days I spent in bed watching TV. Went back to work Friday and got some stuff done, I still wasn’t feeling 100% but at least I could sit at my desk and get some things acomplished.

So work. There is some stuff I just can’t do with Zope yet. But I made that pretty clear to my employers, and the other guy there who knows about Zope is going to handle that. I feel bad not being able to acomplish these more complicated things in a timely manner, I probably *could* do them eventually, but I don’t have the time to learn it all right now. I am enjoying what I’m doing though.

The house. Well we got the inspection done on the house. There are a few repairs that need to be done, some insulation fixed on the inside of the roof, bricks replaced in front of the fireplace (the current ones aren’t “firebricks”) and a ventilation shaft from the basement. Luckily the seller has agreed to pay for the repairs! This was really great news for us. Hopefully they will be done in January so we can be ready to move in by early February.

I spoke with my mother yesterday afternoon since it was her birthday. She seems to be doing alright, working quite a bit though, 12 days straight as of yesterday. She has today off, but will have to work on Christmas. Just part of living at a farm I guess. Heather is going up to spend today, tonight, and part of tomorrow with them, and they are going over to Jerry’s sister’s house for Christmas Dinner.

Heather is headed back up to Canada to see her boyfriend from Alberta in January. I’m glad she’s happy with him, even if he does live half a country away. At first I was reluctant to strongly support her, but now I see that she really needs to move on with her life and get away from that silly Maine county. Canada is a nice country, and at least she’ll get healthcare! I guess she’s been pretty busy otherwise, working, going to school, still doing things from time to time for my father.

I’ll probably pick up some gift cards for my sisters after Christmas. I thought about rushing out t
o the stores this past weekend to do it, but why bother? They wouldn’t get to them in time for Christmas anyway, better to just wait until the crowds die down if they are going to be late.

Today we might head up to see Michael’s grandparents. Tomorrow we’re going over to his brother’s for Christmas dinner. It should be nice enough, even though I don’t know any of them too well. Gah, I hate being so shy! I feel so socially awkward in any situation with many people I don’t know.

Oh well I’m going to go find some food. *wanders off*