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“My Last Two Weeks”

I’ve been writing entries offline on my laptop a couple times a week, I’ll get around to putting them up once we’re settled in our new place just so there isn’t a huge hole in this journal, but for now since I’m online I’ll just give a brief update.

Things have been difficult. Not the house stuff, that’s all going well, but my entire situation right now. I’m excited about the house, I even have new pictures of the outside that we took for the insurance company (click here to see new pictures), yay! But everything else has been a bit rough.

I haven’t been sleeping the best lately, trying to get used to this early schedule is very difficult especially since I can’t bring myself to preserve it during the weekend as well. How could I go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 5 am when I don’t have to? *sigh* This exhaustion has added a lot to my stress.

This week at work I experienced my first site launch. On tuesday I came in, already tired from a lousy night sleep the night before, and I learned that they expected to have a site launched with content they had just recieved by that night. So I came into work at 6:30 am and wasn’t able to leave until the site was in launchable condition, at 10:30 pm. Gah. I am definately not used to 16 hour days, I made foolish mistakes because I was so exhausted later in the night. But we got the site up and running. The rest of this week was spent running around fixing little problems with the site, I was cursing and Netscape6 and IE for quite some time as well. It’s all been very hard. I never realized how complicated it would be dealing with clients %) We want to make them happy, but sometimes things are confused, or I don’t get the information I need, etc. Still, I feel very acomplished, and I’m happy I could get this done, but it still took quite a toll on me. On wednesday I was so frustrated I couldn’t even look at a computer after work, and don’t even get me close to a webpage right now! Today I’m better though, I did some work to put up those house pictures on my website, and the lan party pictures from New Years Eve.

So I am very busy at work, and then I go “Home.” Since we’re living with Michael’s mother it’s not nearly as comfortable to having our own place. She’s doing everything she can to make us feel at home, I don’t think anyone I’ve ever lived with has done better, but there is always a bit of stress when you’re living with someone else like this. Every night this week I was a complete wreck by the time I retired with Michael to our bedroom. Tired, crankie, down. I just want to sleep.

The weather hasn’t helped either. Usually when I’m depressed taking a walk is very helpful, but the weather has been in the 20s most of the week, and taking a walk in that would probably just make me uncomfortable. This cold cold weather is such a waste without snow! But snow isn’t in the forecast anytime soon. *sigh*

I got a call from my doctor last night. I had an appointment last month, some follow ups to the a small procedure I had last year to remove some “irrelgular” cells (non-cancerous, but still potentially troublesome). They told me “if we don’t call you in the next 3 weeks you have nothing to worry about” … well this phone call was within those 3 weeks %( I was worried so I called last night, but the office was close already. Great, I already had enough on my mind last night when I was going to bed. So I called this morning, it’s not good news, there are traces of bad cells again. I need to go back in a couple months for a few more tests for more follow ups to see what we want to do.

I am not sure if my lack of broadband at home is adding much to my stress level, but it is another change that I am handling. I’m not used to being so separated from my online people. I can still drop by in IRC sometimes, but I can’t be as nearly as attentive as I was before. And I miss reading everyone’s journal’s all the time. I guess all of this is adding to the seclusion I am feeling right now.

I’m definately going
to be spending this weekend relaxing.

Gah this entry sounds so miserable. It’s just been a lousy week.

Oh and here are those LAN party pictures from New Years Eve. go to lan party pictures! *wanders off*