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Kitten picture! And my past few boring days…

It’s Sunday, I guess I’ll just rundown the boring events since my cat post.

First, kitten stuff! On thursday night we were watching this history channel it’s barbarians week (I think I mentioned that in a previous post) and they had specials on ruthless dictators. Well I was joking that we should name the cat “Ivan the Terrible” and then a special on Caligula came on and I joked that we should name him Caligula.

-Michael- Hmm, you know, I actually like that name.
-Lyz- It does sound nice.

We got to work on friday morning determined to find a name for our kitten. Searching through all sorts of Egyptian names, then through names of gods, then did more research into Caligula. He had a hard life, he was perverse and paranoid, killed many people and enjoyed watching torture. At his height as emperor of Rome he thought himself a god, and even moved to formally deify his favorite sister. Not a nice guy, but you can’t deny that some of these attributes are cat-like! *grin* The name “Caligula” is actually just a nickname meaning “little boots” which was given to him by soliders at a camp he spent time with at with his father when he was younger.

We were quite attached to the name Caligula. We figured people who understood the reference would be amused, and it sounds neat otherwise!

Later that day we sent off the deposit. Then I emailed her to tell her we had decided on a name. The breeder the deposit yesterday and sent us pictures!

Little Caligula

He’s so cutey! %D! We asked when we could see him, and the breeder said she doesn’t allow visiters until they’ve had their first shots, so Feb. 13th, we’re making plans to go up there the weekend following that to see him, happy valentine’s day to me!

Work was good on friday, I had a few things that I needed to work on. I can’t wait until we have our new house with DSL so I’m able to work from home on days like that.

Friday night we had a fire in the fireplace and hung around here at home. I read for a while, it was all really nice.

Saturday I woke up around 8, watched Dilbert on comedy central, I’d never seen it before, was pretty funny %) Then turned to Scifi to watch MST3k. It’s the second to last episode ever! SciFi chose not to renew the contract with Best Brains to continue showing reruns, so MST3K will be completely off the air *sniff* It’s ok though, we don’t plan on having cable anyway.

The afternoon was spent snuggled in a chair by the fireplace reading. I picked up The Courtship of Princess Leia recently in an attempt to give Star Wars books another chance. I read the Han Solo trilogy a few years back, and couldn’t help being disappointed. Well, this one isn’t much different, I still don’t like it. I’m not sure exactly what it is, maybe because the authors tend to try too hard to make the characters in the books be the same as in the movie, so they don’t change and grow with the story, they go overboard in trying to preserve the same mannerisms and way of speaking, and I can clearly notice it, it makes me groan. Sorry Star Wars books, you fail again! Luckily I have an unread Orson Scott Card book on my shelf for when I’m finished with this book, yay!

We decided to drive to Exton last night to go to the Drafting Room. To my dismay they had removed my favorite chicken sandwich in the world from the menu! Gah! But they did have Lindenmen’s Peche on tap, so that sort of made up for it. It was a good dinner, not the best I’ve had there, but it’s all relative %)

We arrived home around 10, I was tired and went to bed pretty quickly.

And now it’s now. The dial up net connection is really flakey this morning, disconnecting every few minutes if I’m using it *kicks MSN* I will be very happy when we have DSL in our new house! We move next weekend, hopefully it won’t take too long to get everything hooked up and service to us.

This afternoon we might head out to Sears, pick up some vaccuum bags and take a look at washers and dryers. I am a total appliance buying newbie, anyone have suggestions on where to go to buy a washer and dryer? I’ve done a little research online about the best ones, haven’t had much luck honestly, discovered that many of the review sites are in the UK, which is odd, and often not applicable to me. Maybe we’ll just go with whirlpools similar to what was in our old apartment.

*yawn* I guess I’m going to go now. *wanders off*