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Stupid dumb everything… it’s been one of those days.

I hate Verizon.

Around the 27th of January, Michael called Verizon about getting phone service to our new house. By closing on the 29th our new phone line was all hooked up and working.

Around the 28th we contacted DCA.net so they could put in a request to get our DSL line from Verizon.

On Feb 3rd, Verizon denied our request for DSL because they could not find out phone number in their records. On that same day I went to get the mail and we recieved information about the Verizon phone billing system and to welcome us as their customers.


So now the request has to be sent in again, it could be up to two more weeks before we have internet at home, and that’s assuming they can find our phone number this time. Grrr!

On the bright side, we have fixed a few of the problems in our house. The faucet to the washing machine just needed to be tightened so it would stop leaking. We have hard water, so the kitchen faucet just needed to be cleaned, the white buildup was so bad on the nozzle that pressure was building up in the faucet and causing it to find other ways of escaping. The addition of a p-valve to our washer shouldn’t be much trouble, we just need to buy the the proper piping and put it together. The oven on the other hand, I really don’t know, gas is something that’s not cool for the unskilled to mess with too much so maybe we should just call a repair man.

Michael went to turn off the upstairs light last night and the lightswitch sparked and stopped working properly. Sigh. Luckily the light could be turned off another way, but this is something else we’ll need to get looked at, electrical problems are not good.

Oh and I hate Windows again today, but I won’t get into it because it’ll just upset me %)

Yesterday I spent the day at home. I started cleaning when I got up around 7 am, and after about 2 hours my shoulder muscle that’s been bothering me started to hurt again. I took some advil and went back to cleaning. Within about an hour it started hurting badly aga
in, so I took a break. The whole day went like that, cleaning kitchen, take a break because the muscle hurts, start cleaning windows in bedroom, break, start cleaning baseboards, break. It was a long day, and not much fun, but I really needed to be done so I didn’t
want to just stop. I think it’s feeling better today, but I will take the advice of a friend of mine and grab some icy/hot on the way home from work.

Bleh, I keep complaining. It’s just been one of those days. I’m tired, and I’m sick of things breaking and people being stupid.

I was also able to unpack nearly all of my books and put them on shelves, also unpacked movies, and a bunch of knicknacks and stuff. It’s looking much more livable now, except for the pile of cardboard boxes in the livingroom. %)

I want to go home. *wanders off*