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Runes and my new desk!

I took a day off yesterday. Early in the morning a guy came out to take a look at our oil boiler, it’s old and will need to be replaced sometime in the next couple of years. That’s ok though, we’ve begun looking at our heating options (oil vs. natural gas), and it’ll be nice to have this choice pushed upon us.

I did a little bit of cleaning, but mostly spent the day relaxing, some much needed pushing away of worries and having me-time. I read, ate chocolate, and snuggled on the couch. Then spent some time doing a Rune cast.

I’m not a particularly religious person, nor spiritual, but I hold a special place in my mind for Runes. Rune stones are generally made of stone, clay or wood, and like tarot cards, you pull out a certain number, lay them out and read them. Different formations for different types of readings. My interest was sparked by my father and grandfather, who would cast them and for a while my father even kept a record of daily castings. Historically they are more part of my ancestry than anything Christian, their roots date back millennia, and I guess this is what really pulled me to them. So do I believe that a bunch of marked stones can tell me my future? Let’s just say that I believe in that strange pull that humans have toward spirituality, and that it’s sometimes important for one to exercise that in some sort of medium when they’re feeling lost. I choose runestones, and the readings from them make me content. Sure I make their message into something applicable to my life, but sometimes it works well to give me a fresh perspective on a situation, or leads me to discover a new way to tackle a problem. I have my own runes that I made back in high school out of clay.

So at the end of the day I was feeling better, felt ok this morning. Still down, but definately coming up.

I picked out a desk today! I looked around Ikea because of some suggestions, but still wasn’t pleased with their selection. Eventually Michael found one of the type I wanted, list price $350, Michael found by pairing up a sale and a discount that we could have it delivered to our house this week for only $159.98. From Office Max, of all places. Yay!


It’s been a busy day, I’m heading home soon. *wanders off*