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Online at home!

Yep, I’m online at home again. Our network is half set up, the basics are done so our workstations aren’t naked on the net %) Unfortunately my computer doesn’t really have an OS on it, since Michael was going to help me with a Gentoo install and then got busy with work. It’s ok though, at least I can check my mail, and links isn’t so bad to use for updating this.

I got my desk on thursday night, started putting it together on friday night, finished on saturday morning! So half the computer room is set up now, I’ll take pictures when the rest is ;)

We didn’t end up doing anything special for Valentine’s Day yesterday, we just had so much to do, and the ability to check my email was higher on my list of priorities than going out to dinner on the proper day, we’ll be going out tonight, probably for a nice sushi dinner.

In the morning we had a cord of wood delivered, do you know how much a cord is? A lot %) It took over 3 hours to stack it. We were able to have our first fire in our fireplace last night though, but the wood was damp so it started steaming a lot and then wouldn’t burn properly. Oh well, a few days in the garage should be sufficient to dry it out enough %)

Well I’m going to do some more cleaning of this room now *wanders off*