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Computer room toys.

Sunday we decided to head out to do some shopping before dinner. We just needed to go to a couple stores to pick up little things, folders for organizing the bills in my desk, picture frames for some lithographs that I had kept packed away for years, dishtowels forthe kitchen. I don’t really like shopping, but the thought that our place would be so much nicer after having all these things made it a little better.

Afterwards we headed out to our favorite sushi place. We hadn’t been there in over six months because we began cutting back on how often we eat out. The dinner was amazing as always! We each got a Sapporo (a Japanese beer) and dined on seaweed salad, sashimi (sushi without the rice), and a couple yummie rolls. Then for dessert we had cheesecake, which was very good of course. I felt so good after that meal, it was a great Valentine’s Day (+1) dinner.

By the time we got home it was after six. We unpacked all the shopping bags, put away our newly aquired items, and I headed upstairs to the computer room to start organizing stuff with my new folders and putting pictures in their frames. I’m lucky Michael is so understanding about my crazy fascination with Disney cartoons and Star Wars! I framed three of my Disney lithographs, The Lion King, Sleeping Beauty, and Toy Story, and then put them around the room. It’s so nice to finally have a place for these. The lithographs came when I pre-purchased the videos from the Disney Store, they’ve been packed away since I bought them since I never had an appropriate place to put them, and a quick google search for buying them tells me that they run $25-40 each these days, pretty nice since the whole purchase price for the video+lithograph+extra thing (usually plastic watch) was $30 originally.

There are still boxes all around the computer room, we might go out this weekend and purchase a small bookshelf for our computer books, and maybe for displaying some of my toys. I’m trying to figure out what to do with all the Star Wars toys, back when I lived with my parents my bedroom was covered from wall to wall with toys and posters, in fact, I have pictures (1999):

Disney and Star Wars shelves

Corner with shelves and more stuff

Computer Desk

Man, I loved that room. I still have a lot of this stuff, but I’m looking for a better way to display it all, especially those boxed toys. It’d be ashame to forever keep them packed away, what’s the fun in that?

Yesterday was a fairly typical monday. I’m starting a new project at work and that seems to be going fine so far.

Today I didn’t want to get out of bed, I’ve been so tired. We’ve been quite busy everyday, especially on our crazy weekends lately. I’m sure the cold weather hasn’t helped any, and this new commute to work means we leave at 6 am, while it’s still dark, and get homearound 5pm when it’s dark.

I guess that’s it for now, I have work to do *wanders off*