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All sorts of little things…

This past weekend could have been better. But there were some cool things about it.

As I mentioned previously Michael finished completely installing the new shower door and putting the caulking around it all. This meant that we couldn’t take a shower all day saturday (and scratched our plans to go out anywhere), but now it’s so great. For the first time living here I am very comfortable taking a shower in there. No more gross old caulking, it’s beautiful and clean now. The new shower doors are so much nicer (no doubt more expensive) than the previous ones.

As I also mentioned in the previous post, Xelium was crazy busy. At first it was scary, we jumped from our usual 500 users on a weekend to 650, and although the servers seemed to be doing fine (two very short splits, neither of which had to do with the user load), we knew that if such growth kept up we’d have some problems. Luckily two of the other opers have (or will have) other servers with nice connections that can handle an ircd for the network, it’ll be nice when at least one of them is in place. And the growth has slowed, right now, on a monday morning we’re back down to 530 %) It seems a couple channels have moved to us, possibly due to the mircx shutdown, but I think most of the growth has come from our biggest channels getting bigger through advertising. Yay!

Now more boring stuff about the rework of princessleia.com! I mostly suck at design, but I always insist on doing it myself, so I struggled for a while yesterday afternoon to come up with a nice design. I ended up with this. I was quite pleased with it, until I realized that it may be a nice design for some person, it’s not for me, it doesn’t accurately reflect me at all! It’s probably just too bright and pink. I was trying to get away from everything being dark and black, and I went too far. I’ll play around with the colors today, maybe will get rid of the graphing paper look completely and replace it. But this is all done with css and divs! It looks great in mozilla and opera (don’t have a box to test out IE yet, and I don’t have NS installed here). I also redid how I organize the page, instead of having all the pages listed I just have their group listed, you can click on the group name and go to a list of all the pages there. I’m not sure exactly how I’ll do that yet, maybe wish some php magic so I don’t need to create a bunch of separate menu pages.

Today and all of this week I’m sort of working from home. That pretty much means that they will send me stuff to do, and I’ll do it when I can get to it during the day. It’s a nice situation %) I don’t need to spend my whole day stuck at work for less than an hour of work/day. In light of this I think I’m going to stop being so lazy and walk down to the library here in Schwenksville tomorrow (today they don’t open until 3:30, I don’t want to end up being there after dark). I really want to see the library, it’s only a mile away, hopefully it won’t rain.

It’s supposed to be very nice out today though, after lunch I might go out into the yard and do a little bit of cleaning (as much as I can do without the proper tools anyway) and exploring. There is a tarp under a bunch of the rocks near the driveway that can probably be (re)moved, and I’m sure there are a few other things I can find to do out there so the yard doesn’t look so bad.

Hm, that’s all I have to say. *wanders off*