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making my desktop pretty and mp3s

The install of all the programs I need is going well. I was able to install tons of stuff today and test is all out since I didn’t have work. I haven’t heard from them this afternoon, so I guess I won’t work tomorrow either *sigh* Well I have stuff to work on here anyway.

I got all the backups off of our backup server, so I’m working on getting my home directory in order again. I can’t explain in words how much I missed enlightenement! And a fast system, the one I use a work is less than half as slow as this one, I am quite pleased with compile times on R2D2 *hugs her computer* So I’ve got all my E keybindings back in place E menus set up the way I like them. I did some searching this morning through enlightenment themes, and although I found some neat ones in the end I just decided to come back to trusty old darkone. Why do I even try looking for new ones? This one is so perfect %) (I’ll post pretty screenshots tomorrow). I wandered over to nasa.gov to check out what sorts of pictures they had and was pleased to find the Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive. Woo! This has tons of great pictures, many of them very hi-res that make really cool backgrounds. All of nasa.gov is cool, they have an amazing assortment of huge hi-res images all over their site, mmm bandwidth %)

Since the biggest channel on Xelium is an mp3 swapping channel (all legal of course) I decided to take a bit of an interest in the “culture” of this file sharing. Anyone who is willing to devote as much time and money (servers for sharing) will have all sorts of ideas about how to perfectly rip an mp3, and how definately NOT to rip an mp3, and their discussions get quite heated. Of course I had no idea what anyone was talking about, so I asked one of them to explain to me in simple terms how he likes mp3s ripped.

-@Nerezza- 192 VBR-0 APS

Uh huh. So I never did figure out what the APS part was (didn’t really have enough interest to), but apparently the only things that were important were 192 VBR-0 which apparently means something like, rip at at least 192bps, but it can be variable (Variable Bit Rate) of the highest quailty up to 320. Very interesting! Of course I don’t swap mp3s, and I don’t have any intention to really, but it’s good to be at least mildly knowledgable about the state of popular music swapping formats %) Still, these people are quite odd, they really do spend quite a bit of money monthly to pay for servers where they feed hundreds of mp3 leechers, why? I guess it’s the same reason we run an irc server.

*wanders off*