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Caligula comes home! (Pictures!)

We left home to pick up Caligula a little after 1 on the afternoon of Saturday the 13th. The drive out there was a bit longer than we expected because of the horrible Philadelphia traffic, but the drive through New Jersey really wasn’t bad at all. We had no trouble finding the breeder’s house (thanks to their great directions). We arrived there a little before 4.

So I met my first Maus! After reading that some are a bit shy around strangers, I was pleasantly surprised to find their cats were very well socialized, and quite friendly. Roger and Lisa are really great people, and were very forthcoming with all sorts of information about Maus, and their care. I am so happy with our choice of breed and breeder!

The ride home wasn’t too bad. After cat-sitting Cargo Kitty so often we’re used to the meowing when kept in a carrier for more than just a few minutes. Caligula meowed for the first 20 minutes or so, fell asleep for a bit, woke up and meowed a bitmore and we’d talk to him. The ride home took about 2.5 hours.

The first 20 minutes he was in our house (we’re keeping him in just a couple rooms downstairs for now) he was really scared, running away from us when we came near, afriad whenever we moved, and he kept meowing. We were really calm with him and after a little while he came over to sniff us, then started walking on us. In about an hour we were able to play with him, and when he decided to take his first nap it was on the couch with me!

Caligula and Michael

Caligula and Lyz

When it was time for me to go to bed I crawled under the covers, and much to my surprise so did he! He loves climbing under the covers and snuggling with us. So we let him come in our bedroom last night. He’d wake up from time to time meowing, would leave the bedroom and walk around the livingroom, then come back to sleep with us again.

He’s still walking around meowing this morning, but as long as we’re giving him lots of attention he seems to be fine.

All the pictures we took last night are now located here!

I’m going to go play with him now %) *wanders off*