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Caligula settling in, the !weather on R2D2 goes international, and irssi is top client in #13thHour

Caligula seems to be calming down more. He still walks around an meows a bit, but not nearly as much as before. For the most part he’s letting us sleep through the whole night now, when he does wake up he leaves the bed and room to go play. He seems to be quite fond of sleeping on my lap while I’m on the computer. Unless of course work emails me and I need to do real work, then he’s walking all over me and getting in my way %) He loves the little toy mouse that we got him, and already is starting to play fetch with us from time to time, it’s so cute! And he needs to learn the difference between people food and kitty food. He climbed up Michael’s leg about half a dozen times during each dinner we’ve had at the table since bringing him home. Last night he wouldn’t leave us alone while we were eating brownies in bed while watching an MST3K tape. This morning I dropped a piece of my pistachio muffin on the desk this morning and he ate it.

Pistachio muffins rock. I think they’d be more popular if they weren’t bright green. Bright green is a weird and somewhat scary color for a muffin.

The weather here is so weird sometimes. Yesterday it was near 60 so I had the windows open. This morning around 7 am it began snowing. I had to go out and shovel around noon! There actually isn’t too much accumulating (probably about an inch on the grass), since the ground is so warm and it keeps switching from snow to freezing rain. It’s nice though, spring starts this weekend, we needed one last jab of winter %)

I was finally bugged enough yesterday by my Swedish broski Tech to make the weather script on R2D2 international, so now:

[@Peacimowen] !weather ottawa,ontario
[@R2D2] Conditions for Ottawa, Ontario at 1:00 PM EST March 16, 2004: Overcast Temp: 21 F/-6.11 C Humidity: 33% Barometer: 30.32 Wind: ENE at 10 mph
[@Tech] !weather stockholm,sweden
[@R2D2] Conditions for Stockholm, Sweden at 7:00 PM CET March 16, 2004: Partly Cloudy Temp: 45 F/7.22 C Humidity: 75% Barometer: 29.95 Wind: WNW at 6 mph
[@PrincessLeia2] !weather antwerp, belgium
[@R2D2] Conditions for Antwerp, Belgium at 8:20 PM CET March 16, 2004: Clear Temp: 50 F/10.00 C Humidity: 94% Barometer: 30.39 Wind: SE at 5 mph

Yay! So far it seems to be more complete for the United States than any other country, and while you can do !weather london, england, you must use United Kingdom for all other weather queries in England. And unfortunately I haven’t found a way around the problem of more than one weather station in one city, as is the case with Tokyo, Japan and Rome, Italy besides hard coded exceptions for such locations, which I’m reluctant to do because I really have no clue how many cities world wide would have this issue on wunderground. Oh and I also added the celsius conversions for all queries %)

I’m very very happy with that weather script now, I bumped the version up to 3.0 because this is such a drastic change. After a few days of it working properly in #13thHour I’ll post the revised script. It was surprisingly easy with the tr/// perl operator to convert the spaces to _, and luckily wunderground.com doesn’t care how many _’s are in the URL!

While messing around with this yesterday I was playing around in IRC and decided to version #13thHour. We’ve done quite a good job of surpassing mIRC by irssi as the dominant client (version reply here). Woo! And you’ll notice there is one bitchx user. Well, after seeing how many people were using irssi he decided to try it out, and now he’s hooked. He’s been playing with scripts for half the day, mwahahaha!

I’ve had a little work that I could do from home these past two days, so that’s been g
ood. They’re now reviewing a big project that was put on hold recently, and hopefully they’ll have a good idea when I can come in to work on that again.

That’s it for now. *wanders off*